Floyd Talbert

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You and Floyd were in a very complicated relationship to say the least.
You were on and off all the time.
One day your all in love and the next you hate each other. And it's all because he couldn't stop flirting with girls.

Easy company was in Holland and they were finding it a struggle to walk through the crowds of people.
You were walking besides captain Nixon and Sargent Grant when you turned your head and groaned. Both boys looked your way and rolled there eyes.
Floyd was making out with a yet another girl.
"Not again" you hear Grant say.
"Why are you even with him jade?" Nixon asked?
You didn't even answer them.
Jade stormed over to her boyfriend who was already being scolded at by Johnny.
After he gives in last peck to the women he turns around and see you.

"Hey baby" tab said looking at you.
"Don't hey baby me Floyd get ducking moving" you said and pulled him by the arm away from the Dutch women.
"Come on jade it didn't mean anything" you didn't respond and just kept walking.
You walked past Grant and Nixon and heard them say.
"Bet you a pack of smokes they make up later in"
You heard them both. An idea popped into your head. You stopped and walked back to them both. You grabbed Grant by his top and slammed your lips onto his and kissed him. He kissed back and then pulled away. You turned and looked at tab
"Grants a better kisses then you" you smirked at him and you heard Nixon laugh behind you
"That's not fair!" Tab said.
"Yes it is Floyd. You walk around kissing girls and what I can't kiss another guy?" You asked and he couldn't answer it.
"And you know what Floyd I'll kiss who the hell I bloody want until you sort yourself out." You said and then walked over to Nix and pulled him by his shirt and kissed him. Just to be an ass he pulled you closer and kissed you back.
"Fucks sack" you heard Floyd say and Grant just pissed himself laughing.
"You has it coming for you Tab" Grant told him.
You pulled away from Nix and patted his shoulder.
"Thanks Nix have to do it again some time" you said and winked at him and walked off leaving a laughing Grant, a shocked Tab and a happy Captain.
"You know Floyd if you don't want her I'll take her off your hands" Nix said to Tab.
"Shut up sir" Floyd said and Nix laughed at him.
"Hey she's a good kisser" Nix said as Floyd rolled his eyes and run after you just as you jumped into George Luz and kissed him as well.
Floyd now knew how you felt when you saw him with another girl and from that day he didn't touch another girl but you.

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