Lewis Nixon

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Here you were on D-day hanging from a tree with your rifle at the ready, you zeroed in on some Germans across the field.
You were protecting the Americans that had just landed. They had no idea you even existed or that you were even there.
You see you were a spy, an agent if you must. And you didn't mean to blow your own horn or anything but you were one of the best.
You had yet to come across any American solider, you were to meet up with an Easy company, that's what you got told at least anyway, you had a message  to give them and to stay with them until the war was completely over really, that could be years from now but you didn't really mind all to much, you didn't have a family so you just had yourself.
You name was Grace, but people called you the white Mouse, you were well known to be able to sneak around without anyone hearing, and you were an amazing shot as a sniper.

You had been sat in a tree for almost three hours, watching over the men falling from the sky, it looked horrendous out there.
You were about to jump down from the tree when you heard footsteps. You jumped down anyway and held your rifle up.
You had no idea who it was, it could be a German for all you knew. The footsteps got closer. Until you pulled your rifle down and looked at the man in front of you, he looked you up and down and just stood there.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"My names Grace, I'm a spy, I'm looking for Easy company" you told the man. He nodded.
"Well I'm not from Easy but I'm going to the same place, Ronald Speirs" he stuck his hand out and you shock it.
"Nice to meet you" you said and put your rifle over your shoulder.
"So what's a pretty girl like yourself doing out here being a spy?" He asked as you followed him in the other direction.
"Same reason your here" you told him he just smirked down at you.
"I get that but like how long have you been sitting in that tree" you raised your eyebrows up at him and he chuckled at you.
"Yes I saw you sitting up there, you aren't the only observant one" he chuckled while looking down at you.
"Alright smart ass, you can see with your eyes I get it" you laughed at him but then covered your mouth with your hand.
"So grace what do you need easy for?" He asked after a little while of silence.
"Well I'm looking for a lieutenant Nixon, I have an important message to give him about the guns that are aiming on Utah beach" he nodded at you.
"Well I know Nixon, I'll take you to him" you thanked him and you both carried on walking silence till sunrise.

After a couple of hours you both made it up to a farm where there were loads of soldiers walking around or just sat talking, you could feel eyes looking at you from every direction, but you didn't care.
"Hey Ron good to see you" you looked over and saw a handsome looking man with dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, he had a cigarette in one hand and a flask in the other, he was gorgeous you thought.
"Hey Nixon, this here is Grace, she says she has a message for you" the Nixon guy looks a you and his eyes froze on you, he couldn't believe how pretty you were, he had been told about a spy coming in and that you were a female but nobody had told him how pretty you were.
"Uh hi I'm Lewis Nixon" he stuck his hand out. You took his hand and shock it.
"Hi I'm Grace, it's nice to put a name to a face" you heard him chuckle a bit and he nodded.
"Yeah I could say the same" you let go his hand and Ron was stood looking at you both with a smirk.
"Well Grace it was lovely meeting you, I hope you kill some German assholes out there, Nixon will look after you" and with that he was gone.
You looked back at nix and he just laughed and shock his head.
"Well come on, I'll take you to the barn up the road, you can tell me what you know" you just nodded and followed him.

"So what's the deal?" He asked you. You sighed and pulled out a map from your top, nix raised his eyebrows at you and you just grinned back at him.
"What never seen a girl hide something in her top before Lewis?" You heard him chuckle but he never answered you.
You unfolded the map and put it on the table.
"Okay so right here is where we are, over here is where the German will be shooting down on the boys on the beach, for them to get off the beach these guns need to be destroyed, there are 5 in total, had a look yesterday myself. Any questions?" You asked while looking up and Nixon.
"Yeah, how long have you been on the ground for?" You chuckled and looked back down at the map.
"I've been here for about a week, been waiting for you fuckers to hurry up" he laughed at you.
"Us fuckers huh? What not liking being here on your own?" You rolled your eyes at him. You could tell he was going to be fun to be around.
"Lewis Nixon I can tell we are going to get on just fine" you told him, he had a smirk on his face as he walked closer to you.
"Yeah I think so" he said and you scoffed and pushed him away.
That was the start of your friendship with Lewis Nixon

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