Lewis Nixon

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It was a lovely Saturday evening and you decided to sit in and what your mates play cards. You sat at the massive circle table with Nix, Welsh, Lipton and Speirs. They were your best mates in the company.
You weren't playing but you sat next to Ron and opposite Nix.
After about two hours vest came in and walked over to you.
"Uh Staff Sargent this is for you, apparently it's urgent" you looked up at Vest confused but took the letter anyway.
"Who's it from?" You looked at Nix.
"Well I haven't even opened it so I have no idea" Nix chuckled at you and so did Ron.
You got up and left the room to read your letter.
It was from your boyfriend. Why is it urgent? You thought.
As you read through the letter you got really angry. You read it three times to make sure you understood what was on the paper and you screamed.
The boys in the other room froze and looked at each other. Nobody moved. They heard your footsteps coming down the hall.

You walked down the hall back to the boys. You walked in and all eyes were on you. You walked over to Ron who had his lighter on the table and took it.
"Hey what the hell lane!" You shot him a glare and he looked away.
You walked away from him and went over to the fire place that was still to be lit. You held the letter up to the lighter and lit it on fire. You thrown it into the fire and watched it burn.
Meanwhile the boys were watching you very closely. They saw the anger in your eyes and it shown just by you standing there fits clenched against your side.
You turned around then thrown Ron's light across the table. He court it in one hand while still looking at you.
You walked out the room to find something very strong to drink.

All the boys watched you go and looked at each other.
"What the fuck just happened!" Welsh whispered
"I have no fucking clue but she's bloody pissed at what ever was in that letter" Ron said looking round at all of them.
"Lew why don't you go talk to her? Your closest with her" Lew looked up at Ron and nodded.
"Yeah I guess I'll go" he went to get up but heard glass smashing. All the boys jumped up from their chairs and raced out the door.

You needed to break something. You were so angry. You looked around and saw some glasses. Yeah that will do you thought.
You didn't consider the fact that the boys were in the room next door and would hear the smash.
As you thought about the letter you got even more angry. You took a swing from one of Lew's vat 69 bottles and then thrown the glass at the wall. You didn't hear the boys race out the door. You got another one and throw it at the wall again.
"You little cockroach ahhhhh" you yelled while throwing another glass.
"All boys are the fucking same.. i fucking hate them!" You thrown another glass.

As the boys raced out they saw you about to throw another glass. Ron was about to go over but Nix put his hand out to stop him. Ron looked up at him as to be like 'what fuck mate'.
They watched as you screamed at the glass and thrown two more. Lew looked at the bottle in your hand and he knew it must be bad if you had to drink his vat 69. He decided to step in now. He walked over to you.

You were about to turn and thrown other glass when the bottle in your left hand and the glass in your right hand were taken from your grasp. You were about to yell at the person but felt arms pick you up and throw you over there shoulder.
"Ugh what the fuck" you looked up and saw all the boys but one.. Lewis Nixon had you over his shoulder.
"Lewis put me down now!" You snapped at him. He had a grin on his face but you couldn't see it. He walked past the boys to take you to either your room or his.
"I'll see you later boys" Nix said to them. They all looked at each other and then back at you and Nix.

"Lewis put me the fuck down" you snapped again.
"No not till you calm the fuck down and tell me what's going on lane" you rolled your eyes and sighed. Knowing full well that Lewis Nixon wasn't going to let it drop.
He took you to his room to cool off. Once he walked through the door he placed you on his bed and then he walked over to shut the door. You lay down on his bed with your legs dangling over the edge.
Nix turned around from shutting his door and looked back at you. You were perfect in his eyes.
He walked to the bedside table next his bed and sat on the edge of it while folding his arms over his chest.

"So you going to tell my why you for one took a bottle of my vat 69? And second why you were screaming at a glass and throwing glass after glass at a wall?" You looked over at Nix and ran a hand down your face and then looked away again.
"Come on lane, I'm not leaving till you tell me" Nix told you. He kicked your legs a little and that made you look at him.
"Well I got a letter" he nodded for you to carry on.
"The letter was from my boyfriend, or ex boyfriend now... he uh broke up with him" Nix again nodded for you to continue, he knew there was more to it then that.
"He also told me that he had been cheating on me while I was here and all throughout our 2 year relationship he was also cheating on me." You looked at Nix and he didn't nod this time. He got up and sat next to you.
"I'm sorry lane.. he's a fucking idiot to leave you and an bigger idiot to cheat on you. Your an amazing young women who is going places in life, you deserve the world" you looked at Nix and you could feel the tears forming, you let them fall this time. Nix saw and whipped them away with his fingers.
"Come here" he said and you sat up and leant into his side. He put an arm around you and hugged you into his side.
"Why couldn't I find someone like you Lew? Someone who actually knows how to take care of his girl and knows how to just be a gentleman.. there aren't guys out there like that" You looked up at him and then back at your hands.
"Well I'm sure there are better guys then me out there Lane, I'm sure of it."
"Yeah I don't think so Lew" you sighed.
You felt Lew's hand on your chin and he pulled your head up so you were looking at him.
"I'm positive you'll find someone" he said to you while looking into your eyes and then to your lips.
"I think I already have" you covered your mouth. You just said that out load. Lew had a smirk on his face.
He didn't waste a second and just locked his lips with yours, his lips were so soft. You kissed him back and then pulled away. You both smiled at each other.

You ended up falling asleep not long after and Lew put a blanket over you and made his way downstairs. As he walked through the door the boys boomed him with questions.
"Is she okay?"
"What did she say"
"What was in the letter"
"Please tell me you didn't fuck her"
Lew ignored them all and kept walking until he got back to his chair.
"So?" Ron asked looking worried.
"Well boys it's not great" Nix told them.
"Her boyfriend broke up with her and then told her he'd been cheating on her all through the relationship with her and also why she's been gone fighting this war" they all looked pissed off and shocked at the same time.
"You know what she deserves to throw some glass around, I would do the bloody same" Harry said and everyone chuckled.
"How is she doing?" Lipton asked.
"She's alright, she's asleep at the moment, all the crying took a toll on her" they all nodded.
"I also kissed her" nix told then and they all looked at him.
"But she kissed back" he added. All the boys just laughed it off, they all knew the feelings Lew had for you.

After the war Lewis Nixon decided to take you out on a proper date and to treat you like you were meant to be treated and you loved being with him. Everything just felt right.

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