Lewis Nixon

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You and Nix were both up in battalion, he was a captain and you were a lieutenant. You thought he hated you. He always said little things to you, either about how you looked or about plans you both had to make and talk about together. He never liked your ideas. Before all this you used to have a crush on Lewis Nixon. But you didn't know how you felt about him anymore.

"Gemma are you just not fucking listening!" You looked up at Nix and he was taking a drag from his cigarette.
"Sorry what?" You asked. He scoffed.
"You never listen" he said. You raised your eyebrows at him.
"Well your never fucking nice to me Lewis but do you see me complaining about it like a baby!" You snapped. He was taken back by you snapping at him.
"You know what Lewis. Fuck you. I'm always nice to you and all you do is put me down. What the hell have I done for you to hate me!" You yelled. You got up to leave but you were slammed against the door. Lewis had turned you around and pinned you up against the door with your arms above your head. You gasped as you felt his breath on you.
You would be lying if you said he wasn't turning you on.
"I don't hate you Gemma, I'm in fucking love with you" he sighed as his grip stayed on your arms that were still pinned to the door above your head.
You just looked into his eyes and then at his lips.
"Fuck you have no idea what you do to me Gem. You drive me nuts" he moved closer to you. Your chests were now touching.
"Lew your turning me on like a fuck load right now" he smirked and pushed his hips against you and you groaned, feeling his dick rub against you.
You tried to wiggle your hands out of his grip but he wouldn't let them.
"What do you want me to do Gem?" He asked while a grin formed on his lips.
"Anything you want Lew. Anything at all" you begged. You didn't even know he could make you feel like this. You were becoming needy. You wanted him so bad. And he could see it in your eyes. Lew let your arms go and picked you up, his hands under your ass, you wrapped your legs around him. He put you on his desk and then Walked back to the door. Locking it. He looked back at you. You needed him. He needed you.
He walked over to you.
"So what are you gonna do to me Caption" you asked with a smirk on your face. He smirked at you as he spread your legs so he could stand in between them. His hands ran up your legs and then sat on your thighs. Just his touch made you wet.
"I'm going to make to scream my name lieutenant " he whispered in your eye.
You groaned and pulled your legs round him. You pulled him closer to you. Your foreheads touching as your hands ran over his body. You slowly undid his shirt and tie while keeping eye contact.
"We'll see about that" you said.
Nix chuckled and then smashed his lips to yours. You moaned into his mouth as your hands ran through his hair. One of Lew's hands left your thighs and pushed everything off his desk. You pulled away from the kiss and looked beside you. Lew had a smirk on his face. Before you could look back at Lew he pushed you back, his hand on your chest as your back hit the table.
Lew's hands ran over your chest and before you know it he pulled off your shirt, leaving you in your black lace bra.
"Fuck if I knew I'd get this view, I would of done this a lot earlier" you giggled and it made Lew's weak at the knees.

Lew's lips start kissing down your neck and mad there way down your chest and to your stomach. As he reached your pants he looked at you. While keeping eye contact he unbuttoned your pants and pulled them down. You were now left in your bra and matching lace underwear.
"Mhm fuck" he whispered. You sat up and pushed Lew away from you. He looked a little confused, that was until you slammed your lips to his and started undoing his pants and taking his top off. He could tell you were getting impatient and chuckled.
You pulled away and looked at his body. He had abs showing and you couldn't get enough of him. He smirked and then pushed you back to the desk.

You were starting to get a little impatient now. You just wanted him.
"Lew please just fuck me already will you"  you groaned in his ear as he stopped kissing your neck.
"Someone's a little needy darling" he smirked at you. You groaned again.
"Come one Lew please!" He chuckled at you as he removed his boxes and your underwear.

"Lew!" You moaned as he entered you. He groaned and grabbed your hips, pulling you more onto his dick. You moaned again, feeling all of him. He stopped moving and looked at you.
"Lewis Nixon either move or so help me-" you couldn't finish your sentence as he moved. You arched your back and closed your eyes.
Lew smirked to myself and let a small chuckle out. He loved knowing he was doing this to you. Lew's Pace started to quicken up and you wrapped your legs around his torso. He let a moan out and buried his head in your neck.
"Lew" you moaned and your grip in his hair tightened. You didn't think he could quicken his speed anymore but he did. You both were close.
"Fuck Gem" Lew groaned in your ear. You hummed in his ear.
"We are doing this more often, I do hope you know" he said as he kept at his speed.
"Are we?" You asked as you arched your back more. He hummed in your ear.

You both were putting your close back on when you let out a giggle. Lew looked at you.
"What?" He laughed. "Nothing " you said and buttoned up your shirt.
"Come on baby what is it?" Lew asked. You turned to him with raised eyebrows.
"Baby? Jesus Lewis Nixon, didn't know you could be so soft and gentle with a girl" you laughed at his face.
"Hey I can be quite the gentleman when I want to be" he said as he moved over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Is that so?" You asked as your arms went around his neck.
"Mhm it is" he said. Lew places a soft gentle kiss to your lips, you moaned into the kiss.
He smirked. Then there was a knock on the door.you pulled away.
"Lew you in there?" The voice on the other side came.
You looked at Lew and then back at the door.
"It's Dick" Lew whispered.
"Stay here" he said again as he went over to the door before buttoning the last of his buttons up.
"Hey Dick what's up?" Lew asked as he opened the door to look at Dick.
"Well can we come in?" Came another voice.. shit it was Speirs.
"Uh not really" Lew said but the boys outside the door weren't taking it and burst through the door.
You steeped back a little as Dick, Welsh and Speirs walked through the door. They stopped when they saw you and then the saw the room in an absolute mess.
Lew was rubbing his head as he closed the door. He looked at you and smirked a little.
"What's this?" Welsh asked
You looked at the three men and they all had different looks on their face.
Dick was confused, Ron had a smirk on his face and Harry had a smile. Lewis just stood behind them.

"What did you all want?" Lew asked.
"Well we came to ask if you were coming out for drinks but looks like you were a little busy" Ron said and looked at you a winked. You blushed.
"I'm gonna go." You said and grabbed your jacket. You walked past the boys and smirked at Lewis who ruined it, and out you went.

"So Lewis Nixon.. whys your room look like a bombs gone off?" Dick asked.
"Had to let off a bit of stress" Nix said as he walked to his boots and sat down to put them on. All boys noticed the discarded clothing items around the place and all the paper work that was on the floor.
"More like just fucked the shit out of Gemma" Harry smirked.
"Shut up Harry" Lew said. But he had a smile on his face.
Ron went and sat on the desk. Right where you and Nix just had sex.
"I wouldn't sit there mate" Lew said with a smirk.
Ron looked confused until he thought about what he had just said and then jumped off the desk.
"Come on man, the desk really? You couldn't of picked somewhere else?" Ron asked but he to had a smirk on his face. Lewis Nixon wasn't the only officer that wanted to get in your pants.
"What can I say, she couldn't resist me" nix said.
"Lew you know you both could get in real shit for this?" Dick said and Nix sighed.
"Yeah Dick I know.. but it's bloody worth it. I just had the best sex of my life" Lew said as he sat back in his chair and looked at the boys.
"Must be good if he looks like that" Harry said.
"Want to share?" Ron asked.
"Fuck off both of you.. you aren't having her" they all laughed.
"Although she has an amazing body" Nix said and smirked.
"Yeah I bet" Ron said and chuckled.

Let's just say it wasn't the only time you and Nix had sex in his office. You were there most days. But you had the best sex when you both were in bed. And he got to treat you like a queen in bed.

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