Bill Guarnere

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The cold was something that you were starting to tolerate to an extent but a migraine on top of the cold was just plan right horrible, with the shelling going off as well just made your head pound, it felt like it was going to explode off your shoulders. As you sat in your foxhole you wrapped your blanket around you up to you mouth and rested your head back against the frozen mug.
As you closed your eyes to try get some sleep you heard snow crunching under someone's boots.
Turning around with your rifle aimed at them you felt your head pound with every movement.
"Hey it's just me, it's Bill" sighing you turned around with a groan, Bill jumped down next to you and looked you over, he could see how pale you had gotten and the black bags under your eyes from fuck all sleep, but he had heard along the grape vine of easy that you weren't feeling so hot at the moment so he decided to come see how you were.
"What do ya want Bill" you asked with your eyes closed, you couldn't see bill smirking at you but you could sure as hell feel it.
"Came to check on my favourite Girl" scoffing you felt your head pound again. Moaning in pain Bill looked confused.
"You hurt?" He asked and saw you shack your head no.
"What's up then?" You looked at him with one eye open.
"I have a migraine Bill" now he understood why you were in such a mood, his mum used to get them and he saw what they did to her so seeing you out here with one didn't Seattle to well with him.
"That's ruff" humming along to bill you felt him move around a little and then he tapped your arm with his boot.
"What?" You asked while looking at him, he was sat up against the mud with his legs spread out.
"Come, my mum used to get migraines and my dad used to do this to help her" raising an eyebrow at him, he laughed seeing your confused face.
"Warmth helps is what I've been told, and you aren't going to get any sitting on your own are ya" nodding a little you moved so you were between bills legs and laid your head on his chest as he put another blanket over you both.
"Now get some shut eye, hopefully it will go away soon" smiling you cuddled into Bill's chest and he wrapped his arms around you while resting his head back on the Mud wall behind him.

You went to sleep pretty fast once bill wrapped his arms around you. You woke up to the sun going down, you were a little confused as you remembered it being dark when you went to sleep, looking up a little you saw bill was passed out with you still in his arms.
You decided to stay in his arms and closed your eyes again but not to go to sleep, you completely forgetting that your migraine was why you had cuddling with bill in the first place.

Bill had woken up to the sun just about down, he had woken up a lot checking up on you. Now though he needed to pee but didn't want to move you. He had no choice but to wake you. He shifted a little and saw you look up at him.
"Oh your awake" you smiled and nodded.
"Sorry love but I gotta pee" he saw you blush and move up off him, the cold hitting him.
He missed your touch already.
Seeing Bill get up and go to pee you couldn't help but let your eyes follow his every move, you could feel your checks go warm, was you crushing on Bill? You couldn't be, he was just being nice last night to help you with your migraine, but then again Bill had always been Nice and helpful to you. Before your mind could go into more depth Bill plopped back down in his spot from before and opened his arms for you.
Smiling you crawled back over to him.
"Has your migraine gone?" He asked while playing with some of your hair, you had completely forgotten about it,  you realised your head wasn't pounding like it was the day before.
"Oh yeah it is gone, I hadn't even realised" he chuckled which made you smile.
"Well you were out for a whole two days" you sat up and looked at him with massive eyes.
"I was out for what?" You asked and saw him grin.
"You heard me love, you were out for two days, clearly you needed it though so don't worry" he pulled you back to him which surprised you but you didn't pull away or anything.
You both sat in silence for a little while, you could feel Bill playing with your hair and he could feel your fingers playing with the buttons on his jacket, Bill felt complete sitting there with you, he didn't want it to ever end but unfortunately everything ends at some point.
"Bill do you ever think about after the war?" He thought about your question but didn't really know how to answer it until you looked up at him.
He knew exactly what he wanted after the war.
"Well I wanna take this amazing girl out and then one day marry her" he saw you look away and chuckled.
"What?" You asked in a whisper.
"Do you wanna know who she is?" You shrugged your shoulders which made him smile even more, he could see you were upset with his answer but went along with it.
He shifted a little so he could whisper in your ear.
"It's you love, I wanna spend the rest of my life with you" he felt your body freeze and he kissed your neck to bring you back to earth, his lips on your skin sent warmth all through your body and you sighed in contentment.
" I'd like that as well Bill" you said while pulling back, bill didn't waste another moment and captured your lips in his.
Kissing bill was everything and more and you couldn't wait to see what life may hold, you just needed to win the war.

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