Donald Malarkey

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"Honey you awake?" You opened one eye as you heard Don's voice from beside you. You thought if you laid still long enough then he wouldn't bother you. You felt him lay back down next to you.
You groaned and rolled onto your back while pulling the blanket down from your chin.
"Yes I'm awake" you whispered. You saw him turn his head to you and he flashed the smile you loved so much.
"You took awhile to answer darling" he whispered as his hand cupped the side of your face. You had your eyes closed and smiled at how cute he was being.
"I was contemplating wether I should just stay asleep or not" you heard him chuckle and he moved closer to you.
"What did you want Don" you asked as you opened one eye. The light from the moon made it easy for you to see your beloved man in front of you.
"I have some questions for you" he whispered as he heard someone roll over on the other side of the room.
"They better be good questions if you had to keep me from my beauty sleep darling" you felt his lips on your check and he chuckled.
"Of course they are love" you rolled your eyes at him.
You sat up and put your arms above your head to stretch.
You could feel Don's eyes on you so you looked over at him so see a smile on his face.
"So what are these questions?" You asked while laying back down. Before he answered he pulled you into his side so your head was laying on his chest and one of your legs pulled over his torso.
"Well if you could pick between living in the city or on a farm which would you pick?" You were took back by his question, it was random coming from Don. You raised an eyebrow even though he couldn't see it.
"Uh well it kind depends I suppose, the city is very loud and hands on, where is on a farm you have no loud noises and is very chilled out, why do you ask?" You felt him grip onto your arm a little more when you asked.
"Well I just want to know what you prefer when I actually marry you was all" you sat up as you heard him mention the word ''marry', you looked down at him and saw a small smirk on his face while he looked into your eyes.
"Marry me? Don are you serious?" You whispered as he pulled you down a little so he could peak your forehead.
"Yes absolutely" he whispered. You were shocked to say the least.
"Is this your way of asking?" You heard him chuckle.
"It can be, although I don't have a ring to be able to-" you cut him off by smashing your lips to his. He moaned into the kiss as his hands found your hips.
As you pulled away you heard Don groan.
"I don't need a ring right now Don, you asking me is enough for me" you saw the biggest smile on his face form, you leant your forehead against his and you both closed your eyes.
"I love you Don" you whispered.
"And I love you babe" you smiled at the thought of one day being his wife and giving him kids. It made your stomach turn over in happiness

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