Ronalad Speirs

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"Where the fuck is she Dick!. She should of been here an hour ago" Ron was pacing the room while Dick,Nix and lip sat in some armchairs looking at him.
"I'm sure there is a reason for her not to be here Ron. This is Leah we are talking about here." Nix said while taking a drink from his glass.
"That's not the point Nix, she should of at least answered my call and told me" Ron was now learning on a bookcase with a smoke in his mouth.
"Yeah and what if she was busy and couldn't leave to take that call?" Nix said and then looked at Dick for backup.
"Nix has a point Ron, maybe she really couldn't take the call" Dick said and Ron knew he couldn't argue with Winters.
He just wished you had told him you were going to be late.

Mean while you were treating women and you had just delivered a still born baby and the mother died after she gave birth.
You needed to get back to camp but you knew these women and children needed help.
"Hey lieutenant why don't you head back to camp the Nurses corps have got it from here"
You just nodded and started walking back. You had a long walk ahead.

You walked up the steps to HQ where you knew all the officers would be waiting for you.
You opened Ron's office door and as soon as they saw you they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Leah where the fuck were you? I called twice and had no answer. You were meant to be here 1 hour ago" Ron yelled but you didn't care.
"Well I don't know about you Ron but when you are trying to help a women deliver a baby and you are covered in blood it's a bit hard just to leave. Oh and just so you know the mother died right after she gave birth. Oh and the baby was dead before it even came out. Does that satisfy you now."
You had just yelled at your CO and your boyfriend. Your in big shit.
Dick and Nix were speechless, lip looked taken back because you had never yelled at anyone like that before and Ron softened when he heard why you didn't answer or wasn't back on time.
"Look Leah I'm-"
"No don't say your fucking sorry Ronald. You aren't a bloody medic. I am. And it's my job to help people and guess what I can't help everyone and you wouldn't know what the feels like, To have people dying in your arms or in your hands. So don't stand there and act like your sorry cause I don't need it" you went to walk away but Dick stopped you.
"Leah wait" you turned around. You were crying now and you couldn't look at Ron.
You had never yelled at Ron like that. He knew he was in the wrong for going off at you and he felt horrible.
"Ron shouldn't have yelled at you okay but he has a point. We didn't know where you were or what you were doing. And before you walk out just remember how much that man cares about you alright?"
All four of you looked at Dick in shock. He had never said anything like that to you before.
You just nodded them Looked at Ron and left his office.

"I'm an asshole aren't i" Ron asked his three friends.
"No Ron you aren't but you shouldn't have yelled at her. She looks like she's broken, yes you are her CO but you are also her boyfriend. She needs you in times like these. It's not easy being a medic, we all know that. So go find her and be with her until she is calm and ready to talk to you"
"Lip when the fuck did you become all soft?" Nix asked and Lip just chuckled.
"I'm not being soft Lew I'm helping them both out because we both know how much Ron loves Leah"
"She's never called me Ronald before guys.. shes pissed"
"No shit Ron. She's stressed out"

You were sat outside having a cigarette even though you don't smoke. You needed it after your evening, you knew you shouldn't have yelled at Ron but he shouldn't have yelled at you either.
"Babe" you turned around and saw Ron learning in the door frame. You turned back around away from him. You heard him walk over and sit down next to you.
"I thought you didn't smoke darling"
"Yeah well I needed it" was all you said. He knew you weren't in the best mood .
"Look babe I'm sorry ok I was just bloody worried about you and when I didn't hear from you I didn't know what to think. You mean the world to me Leah and if something happened to you I don't know what I'd do. But I shouldn't have gone off like that and your right I don't know what it's like being a medic but your amazing at your job babe. Over all I'm really sorry" you looked at Ron and he was looking down at his feet.
"I'm sorry as well. I shouldn't have yelled at you. You aren't just my boyfriend but you are my CO and that was wrong of me to yell at you. It's just you don't know what it's like Ron to be a women and deliver a baby that hadn't even made it through the birth and to watch the mother die as well knowing there wasn't anything I could do, it's just shit. This whole war is just shit." Ron watched you and you had tears in your eyes. He moved closer to you and pulled you into his side.
"I know I wouldn't know what it's like and I'm sorry you had to go through that on your own babe. But just know that I love you okay" Ron said while wiping away some tears.
You looked at him and he smiled at you. You loved his smile.
You put your hand on his check and leaned in and kissed him. He groaned a little and kissed you back. You went to pull away but Ron grabbed your neck with his hand and pulled you back so he could kiss you.

You pulled away and looked at each other.
"I love you Ron"
"And I love you Leah"

"I love you Ron""And I love you Leah"

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