Ronald Sepris

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Easy company really was your family, or well the army it's self was your family.
You've known nothing other in being in the army, your family are all in the army.
Your father was and still is very high up in the army, and your brother was also in the army as a Captain.
You were a lieutenant in Easy company, it took some convincing to your father for him to let you join but three years later here you are after the battle in Foy, standing with Lewis and Ronald.
You and Ron have had a thing since Georgia, you weren't together but you both had a little thing going on. Lewis and Dick were the only ones to know about it.

"I still can't believe you just went and done that Ron" you sighed and Slapped his head.
"Ow, that fucking hurt" he groaned and rubbed his head with his hand, he had a small grin on his face and you pushed him in the side and he chuckled. You couldn't stop the smirk forming on your face, this man will be death of you.

"You tell me off but you weren't Any better Quinn, you were right in the open shooting up at that building" you rolled your eyes at Ron and heard Lewis laugh into his flask as he took a sip.
"Ok Ron I'm an idiot. An idiotic idiot for saving everyone's life! Thanks to me you are still standing up right" Lewis couldn't contain the laugh anymore and laughed at you both. You both glared his way but both had smirks on your faces.
"Okay darling sorry, you saving me so thank you" he said and pulled you into his side.
"Wait what! You never give in that easy" you laughed out. He just shock his head at you.
"Well you did save everyone so I can't argue with that, thanks to you and Shifty that is" you chuckled at Ron and wrapped an arm around his back.
You and shifty were partners in crime when it came to being in the field, you were both Easy company's snipers, you both saved so many life's it wasn't funny. Shifty was the ground sniper and you were positioned up high, Ron wouldn't admit it to you just yet but that's what made him fall in love with you, you were a very talented sniper.

"Lieutenant" you turned around and saw Vest with a letter in his hand.
"It's a letter from your father" vest said. You froze in Ron's arm. He felt you freeze up.
"Oh uh ok thanks" you said and took it. You haven't heard from your father since your birthday, which was New Years.
"Are you in trouble?" Lewis asked with a smirk and you slapped him like you did to Ron. He groaned in pain and Ron just laughed.
"If I was in trouble I'd bloody know about it lewis, he would come here himself to drag me away or something" you heard Ron chuckle and you pulled away from him to read the letter.
Both officers watch you as you read it. You had a smile on your face the whole time reading it.
It was all good news. You jumped up and down and happy screamed. Lewis covered his ears and Ron just watched, he adored you.
"My brother is getting married! Oh my god my brother is getting married!" You couldn't stop jumping up and down.
"It that all?" Ron asked and you shock your head no.
"My father said that I'll be able to go to the wedding when ever it will be, and he actually said he misses me, can you believe that my father admits he misses me" Lewis and Ron laugh at your statement.
"Well he is your father after all" Lewis said, and you rolled your eyes.
You spent that afternoon with a massive smile on your face.

(Time skip)

You were starting to miss your father and brother even more now, you were sat on some steps with Ron,Lewis,Harry and Dick, Austria was serving the goods to you all.
"You alright baby" Ron whispered in your ear. You nodded your head as you played with his fingers. He chuckled and patted your knee.
You were to busy thinking about your family to hear two loads of feet approaching.
"Lieutenant Herring" you froze when hearing your name, you knew that voice anywhere. You looked up into Ron's eyes and he smirked at you. The voice came from behind you. You couldn't bring yourself to look just yet.
"For fucks sack Quinn" you jumped up hearing your brother and turned around. You ran to your brother and jumped onto him. He laughed and wrapped his arms around you. All the boys now behind you had massive smiles on there faces, they knew how much you missed your family.
"What the fuck" you laughed at your brother put you down.
"Language Quinn" you froze looking at your brother. You turned around to face the boys but came face to face with your father. He had a massive smile on his face. You covered your mouth with your hand and the tears came falling down.
"Dad" you whispered.
He chuckled and held his arms out for you.
You ran into them and he picked you up and spun you around.
The boys adored seeing you like this with your father, you talked so much about him. Your father put you down and you couldn't stop the tears. Your brother came and put an arm around your shoulder and punched your side lightly. You gasped and punched him back. Ron laughed at you and your brother.
"What are you both doing here" you asked .
"Well we got asked to come see you, apparently you've been down lately" your father said. You looked at him confused, when Lewis came up.
He shock your fathers hand and your brothers as well.
"We brought them out for you Quinn, you are always talking about them and we thought it would be good for you to see them. But Ron here did the whole thing" you looked past Lewis to Ron. You ran at him and jumped into arms, he hugged you so tight and you did the same.
"So this is the famous Ron?" You heard your brother say and you chuckled into Ron's neck.
"I can't believe you did this for me" you said as he put you down.
"I love you Quinn, you know id do anything to make you happy" you didn't know what to say.
"Think your meant to say thank you and that you love him back Quinn" you turned to your brother and thrown your water bottle at him, he laughed and so did the others.
"Fucking dick" you whispered
You turned back to Ron and just pulled him in and kissed him.
"I love you too and thank you" you said as you pulled away from him.
You couldn't believe you had your father and brother with you and now Ron had just told you he loved you. Everything was coming together slowly.

"So double wedding aye?" Your brother said and you completely forgot.
"Oh yeah congratulations brother, feel sorry for the women" Ron chuckled and pulled you into his side. You brother rolled his eyes at you. Your father just stood there observing his two children. All he wanted was you both to be happy, and you both were happy as you could ever be.

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