Floyd Talbert

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"Would you please stop moving!" You rolled your eyes as you tossed and turned in the bed. The officers thought it would be a great idea for you and Floyd to share a bed together as there weren't enough around the town you all got stationed in.
"Oh will you just stop breathing" you heard him scoff and turn over onto his back.
"Please chock me and get it over with will you" you looked to your right and glared his way, even in the dark you could still make out his face.
"You'd like that wouldn't you" you could make out the line of his signature Smirk and it made you Groan.
Turning onto your side you pulled the blanket up a little to cover your shoulders when you felt it be pulled down a little.
Floyd had pulled the blanket down off his chest but he hadn't realised he had pulled it off you as well.
"For god sacks Floyd are you serious!" You pulled the blanket back up and groaned. You heard Floyd sigh.
"You know you could always just go sleep on the floor if you are that uncomfortable" you turned over and glared at Floyd.
"Why don't you sleep on the floor you dick head" you heard Floyd scoff and felt his arm nudge you.
"That's it" you whispered and flung the duvet off yourself and got your feet into your boots, you heard movement from the bed but didn't turn around to see as you put your jacket on.
"Where are you going?" You didn't answer Floyd as you walked over to the door.
"I'm Going to find somewhere else to sleep" Floyd sighed and got out of bed, you still hadn't turned around to meet his face.
As you got to the door of the room you felt Floyd's arms wrap around your waist and he pulled you up into the air while turning around with you still in his arms.
"Floyd put me the fuck down!" He didn't say anything apart from drop you on the bed.
"You are going to sleep in this bed right now and I'll go and sleep on the floor" you were stunned. Floyd would never give up anything for anyone and let alone for you. You watched him grab a pillow off the bed and a small blanket from the foot of the bed and he walked over to the arm chair in the corner of the room.
You still hadn't gotten back into bed.
"You don't have to do that Floyd" you whispered but he didn't say anything other then shrug his shoulder and sat down with the blanket wrapped around him.
Taking your boots off and your jacket you lay down in the bed and it was freezing inside it now, it felt completely empty without Floyd's body next to you.
Wrapping the blanket up to your chin you closed your eyes and tried to go to sleep.

After half an hour you still couldn't sleep.
"Floyd" you whispered but you got no reply.
"What?" He whispered back after a couple of moments, you sat up and looked over to where he was.
"I still can't sleep" he shifted and looked over at you.
"What would you like me to do?" He asked while sitting up fully in the chair.
"I'm cold" you looked down and then heard him get up making his way over to you, Floyd slid in next to you and pulled you into him.
Your back hit his chest and his arms wrapped around your waist pulling you closer to him, he was only wearing boxes and you could feel him push up against you through your shorts.
A small gasps left your mouth and you felt him smirk into your neck as his face rested there.
"Better?" He whispered in your ear, you nodded your head scared your voice might embarrass you.
You and Floyd had never really seen eye to eye before and you both had never really been this close and intermittent with each other either.
Everyone knew Floyd to be the player and the flirt of the company, and everyone knew you to be the hard ass chick who isn't afraid to tell you to fuck off if needed. That's something all the easy guys respected you for, it's one thing Floyd really couldn't take away from you was how straight up you were with people.
He admits your a very attractive young women and he'd definitely take you to bed if you'd let him, but he didn't just want that, he wanted more and it scared the hell out of him, he had never felt like that about any girl before, and he hardly knows anything about you as he never paid you much attention.
You knew Floyd was a ladies man and you knew he was a good looking boy, you'd have to be blind not to see it, but being in his arms like you were now was making you think about a lot of other things.

"Thank you Floyd" you whispered as you closed your eyes, his arms tightened around you and pulled you closer to his chest, he hummed into your neck and gave your skin a small kiss, your eyes shot open but you didn't move, Floyd must of felt you freeze a little.
"Sorry I uh-I just- fuck I wasn't thinking" a small smile formed on your face as Floyd stuttered over his own words.
You turned your head a little to look over your shoulder at him.
"It's okay Floyd" his eyes locked with yours and then drifted to your lips. Your eyes drifted to his as well and then back up to his eyes again.
Looking away from Floyd's eyes you took a deep breath in through your nose. You knew he was a ladies man, he's just putting the charms on you thought.
Floyd knelt up on his elbow and looked over your arm so he could see your face, you turned a little to see him looking down at you, his hand reached up to your face and his thumb brushed along your jaw.
"Your beautiful you know that" he whispered, it made you roll your eyes and turn away.
His hand pulled you back to look at him.
"I'm serious sweetheart, you really are beautiful" looking into his eyes you couldn't tell wether or not he was being serious or not.
"I bet that's what you tell all the lovely ladies Floyd Talbert" he raised his eyes-brows in confusion and it made you scoff.
"I know you think I'm a ladies man but I've only ever had my eyes on one person" you looked up into his gaze again, You hadn't realised just how close he was to your face until now.
"Yeah ok Floyd" he didn't give you an answer but instead he just kissed you, holding your face his lips moulded to yours and to your own surprise you kissed him back, Floyd moved so he was now in between your legs and hovering over you.
He pulled away first and looked down at you.
"Let's get some sleep shall we" you just nodded, not sure on what to say.
Turning back over once Floyd had moved you turned your head slightly "don't think we aren't talking about this Floyd, your just lucky I'll wait till the morning" he chuckled and kissed your check.
"Sure thing sweetheart, what ever you say"
Maybe Floyd wasn't so bad after all? Maybe you just weren't seeing Floyd right from the start, and maybe you were to busy listening to others talk about him.
You both went to sleep in each other's arms and it had to be one of the best sleeps you had in a while, you and Floyd did talk about the kiss and what it actually meant.
You both ended up getting to know each other a lot more and then just before the war ended you both got together, Floyd came home with you and met everyone in your family and then you did the same for him.
You both lived a happy life after the war and lived a happy life until the day you both died.

Hey guys sorry I've been a little absent for the last week or so, been really busy with work and my personal life! The life of  an adult I suppose.
I do have a load of content and ideas coming and will hopefully have them up soon. Also for those of you who are reading my other book- I am also in the process of writing more for it! It's just taking a little longer then I had thought it would but that's alright.
Hope everyone's having a lovely day/evening where ever you may be in the world!

Band of brothers imagines Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora