Geroge Luz

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The ground shock and dirt was blown up into the air as the shelling's landed hard onto the earth around everyone. It had become an evening routine for the Germans to shell easy company not just once but twice a night, sometimes they were lucky if they had one night of no shelling's.
Holding onto your medic bag at your side with one hand and your other holding your helmet down on your head you waited for the call for a medic to ring into the night air.
As the shelling stopped to you lifted your head up just to look out over your foxhole and you saw George and Lipton doing the same.
"You okay Daphne?" Lip called over, you nodded your head at him, looking over you saw George give you a small smile.
While everyone was still in there foxholes there was a small moan floating through the air.
"Lip someone's hit" you said as you started to get out of your hole, George looked at you and then at lip.
"Stay in your foxhole daph" you gave him a 'are you serious' look.
Before anyone could say anything the whistling on the next round of shells could be head.
"Daphne get in your foxhole now" George yelled over, you were still knelt down on the outside of your hole, you knew someone was out there struggling.
"I'm sorry George" you yelled over the noise as you ran off in look out for the person in pain.
"Daphne!" You heard George yell but you were already to far ahead now, you couldn't just turn back.
Running past men in there holes and jumping over fallen trees you waited to hear something other then the shelling.
Falling over you landed face first in the snow and right outside Chuck and Floyd's foxhole.
"You boys know who's hit? I heard someone but don't know who it is" you yelled to them. Floyd went to grab you and pull you into the hole but you slapped his arm away.
"Who's hit Floyd!" You covered your head with your arm as dirt sprayed over you.
"Think it was Toye, bill went looking for him, they haven't come back" Chuck yelled over to me. With a thumbs up to them both you were up and running off towards where you thought they might be, they couldn't be to far from there holes you thought. They weren't far from Floyd and chucks either, that's why they hadn't seen them come back.
As the shelling's stopped you heard someone scream for a medic, it wasn't the normal sound of a man calling for one, it sounded like someone was in pain from just the scream they let out. Dodging men as you went you came to a halt when you saw buck on his knees, looking over his shoulder you saw the reason why he was acting the way he did.
Bill and Joe lay half on top of each other in the snow, Joe was missing his leg and bill had been hit on his leg as well.
You could see the trail of blood from joes leg from where bill and tried to drag him to safety.
Tears started to form in your eyes as you walked over to them both, they hadn't moved yet, you thought they might be dead until you knelt down and saw there chests moving, sighing with relief you rolled bill off Joe and started to bandage his leg up.
"I need a medic!" You yelled out, just as you had Eugene came running over and dropped next to Joe, looking at you to see how you were doing you just nodded your head at him, you didn't even need to see him to see he was looking at you.
Hearing a groan you looked over and saw bill trying to sit up.
"Stay laying down bill, please" opening his eyes he saw you hovering over his head and looking down at him.
"Fuck me christ my leg" he hissed as you tied the bandage tight so he wouldn't lose anymore blood.
"I'm sorry bill, I'll give you some morphine-" he stopped you as you went to take the morphine out.
"Save it Daph, I'll be fine" you nodded while looked over at Joe.
He had sat up on his arms and looked over at you.
"I'll be fine daph don't you worry about me" a tear slipped out of your eye as you looked at each of them, these were two of your brothers, two people you had groan close to over three whole years.
Seeing them in so much pain hurt you in every little way, it wasn't the horror of the scene in front of you that made you lose yourself a little, it was the thought of not being able to save these men you had grown so close to and loved so very much.
"Daphne" hearing your name you looked over at bill who gave you a half hearted smile as he hissed in pain.
"We will be fine darling alright, you look after yourself out here you hear me! I am expecting to see you after all this" laughing a little you nodded at him.
"Yes bill I'll see you after all this" he grabbed your hand and kissed it before nodding behind him.
"Now go find someone to settle in with for the night, you've done your part here Daph"
You nodded but didn't let go of bills hand. You didn't think you could.
"Daphne" looking past bill you saw George with his hand out for you, bill guided your hand that was in his to George's and patted your knee and George helped you up.
George patted bills shoulder as he guided you away from the scene.
"Look after her George" bill and Joe yelled out and you couldn't help the small smile that formed on your face, even when they were in pain they still new how to make people smile or laugh.
"Wanna sleep next to me tonight? I suppose Eugene will be out in Bastogne?" George asked while walking past other foxholes.
"Yeah sure" you whispered, you didn't want to be alone tonight.
George was right Eugene did stay out all night helping in Bastogne, having his company helped take your mind off bill and Joe.
George never asked questions about it, he just let you have time to yourself while he cleaned his radio.
"George" looking up at his name he hummed for you to continue.
"Do you ever worry that I might not be able to save you or someone else in the company?" He stopped what he was doing with his radio and raised his eyebrows at you.
"Where's all this come from? Your like one of the best medics we have apart from Gene" you shock your head while playing with your fingers.
"I'm not the best George, I don't feel it anyway,-"
You stopped to take a deep breath in before carrying on "everyone thinks being a medic is easy because you don't have to kill anyone, but the truth is George  it's the worst goddamn job out here. We watch as the people we treat die in out hands, we know we can't save everyone but at the same time it's like we are expected to do so, the stress of being a medic just makes you want to quite and go home" you took a moment to wipe away the tears that were flowing down your face, George was watching and listening to everything you were saying. Taking a deep breath in again you carried on.
"Watching Bill and Joe like that really made me feel things I haven't felt in a long time, I have no idea what I'll do George If I can't save one of you boys, I can handle the replacements but I can't handle any of you guys from Basic getting killed" after this you broke down into a sob and brought your knees to your chest.
George put his radio down and pulled you right into his arms.
"Hey calm down Daph alright, you don't need to worry about saving everyone because you just can't, it's war and people are going to die. And I know you don't want anything to happen to me or anyone else from Georgia, but honey the thing is god makes the choice of who goes and who stays" listening to George you couldn't help but think he was right, you knew saving everyone was never going to happen, you just didn't want to be the one to hold someone close to you in your arms while they died because you couldn't do anything.
"Your right George" you whispered as he ran his hands up and down your arms to calm you down.
"Aren't I always" you scoffed and hit his chest with your hand, you heard him chuckle before pulling you closer for warmth.
"Everything's gonna be alright, they both will" nodding into George's chest he continued to run his hands up and down your arms.
Feeling something cold hit your check you pulled away and looked up at the sky, it was starting to snow again, meaning it was getting colder.
George watched your every move and couldn't quite believe you didn't have some guy waiting for you back home or that you weren't already married, you were just perfect in his eyes, everything he ever wanted in a women and it's sitting right next to him.
"Your beautiful you know that" looking away from the snow falling you looked at George and saw him looking at his lighter and then back up to you.
"I believe George you need to get your eyes tested" chucking he shock his head at you.
"Nah I don't, you just don't see what I see" looking back at the sky you could feel the blush forming on your pale white checks, it wasn't going to be hard to see the redness in them.
Just as George was about to say something a whistling sound appeared and the words 'in coming' were shouted out loudly by lip.
George pulled you right into his arms and tightened his hold on you, he wasn't going to let you go.
Turning into George's side you gripped his jacket as the earth shock and dirt was flown into the air above them.
"George I'm scared" you yelled over the noise, he heard you and pulled you into his lap so you were straddling him, he pushed your head into his neck and wrapped his arms around you.
"I've got you" he yelled back to you making you nod into his neck.
You hadn't ever been this close to George before, you'd never actually gotten this close with any of the men actually.
As everything stopped you pulled away from his neck, you were still straddling him and decided to get off but he pulled you back down as you went to stand up.
"Just stay here a little longer" he whispered. You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck breathing in his scent.
George smelt like smoke and chocolate, no idea how but he just did.
From that night on you stayed with George in his foxhole and even started making things up so you could sit in his lap.
George was smitten with you just as you were with him, you'd both talked about a future after the war but decided you weren't going to make anything official until the war finally ended.
When it was finally over George got down on one knee and asked you to marry him, you of course said yes and jumped into his arms.
George felt like the happiest man alive once the war had finally ended.
He was going to treasure you until he couldn't know more.

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