Floyd Talbert.

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You had been in a bad mood all day and you didn't know why. You woke up like it. Anything anyone did just made you angry, and unfortunately Floyd got the bulk of it. You and Floyd had been dating for two years now. It's the longest relationship you both had ever been in. He treated you like a princess, in his opinion every girl should be treated like one.

You were sat on the edge of your bed with your head in your hands. Floyd was watching you while he played his game of cards with George and chuck. He knew you were in a bad mood but didn't want to make it worse by asking you. You had already blown his head off three times today and he didn't want a fourth. He knew you weren't doing it on purpose, he knew something or someone must of bugged you to make you this moody.. or you were on your period.. but he normally knew when it was the time. You definitely weren't like this.

While you sat there you could hear people talking and you started listening to a conversation between your boyfriend and his mates.
"Floyd what's up with Gemma mate? She doesn't seem her normal self" chuck whispered to Floyd.
"Honestly chuck I have no idea, I want to ask but I don't want her to blow my head off again" you felt bad now hearing Floyd say that.
"Did you do something to upset her?" George asked while looking over at you but you couldn't see.
"Not that I no of, I don't think I've done anything" you haven't Floyd you thought.
"Is she on her period?" For some reason that really got to you, why did everything have to be because of a girl on her period.
"George I know for a fact she isn't on her period, she doesn't act like that either." You got up and walked up to the group, you were a little pissed. All three looked up at you and looked a little scared. They didn't like being on the receiving end of your anger.
You just looked at them and then turned and walked off out the door.

"What the fuck George. She herd you talking about her maybe being on her period!" Floyd snapped at his mate.
"Sorry mate didn't think it would affect her that much"
"You clearly know nothing about girls then George cause-" chuck cut Floyd off
"Shut up shes coming back in"

You had walked outside but you weren't mad at Floyd, he knew when you were on your period and you weren't.
You walked back inside and walked up to Floyd.
"Hey babe you okay?" You didn't say anything but grab his tie he was wearing and pulled him in closer.
You put your lips on his and kissed him hard. He groaned and put a hand on your waist. You pulled back and went to walk off again but turned and slapped George across the head and then kissed chuck on the check. You walked out leaving them all shocked.

"What the hell just happened" chuck asked.
"I have no bloody idea.. Floyd what fuck." George asked rubbing his head. Floyd just laughed.
"I don't know about you boys but I'm gonna go find Gemma and take her to bed" Floyd got up and went to find you.
"Hey Floyd!" He stopped and turned to his mates.
"What?" He asked.
"Get all her anger out will you?" Floyd smirked
"I'll try my best George" and with that Floyd found you not long after and picked you up over his shoulder and carried you to a spare bedroom.
He definitely got all the anger out of you that night.

Band of brothers imagines Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon