Floyd Talbert

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The light of the sun burned your eyes as you rolled over in your bed, you put an arm over your eyes to try block the light out but it was no use.
A groan escaped your lips as your head pounded.
"What the fuck happened last night"
You whispered out in the open, you were in your room that you'd been given when arriving in Austria, you still had your uniform on which you thanked god for.
Someone had helped you back up here some how, you just didn't know how.
You decided it was time to get up and swung your legs over the side of the bed and made your way to the bathroom to have a shower and freshen up.
It definitely woke you up a lot more.
As you were washing your hair you saw a ring on your left hand and you looked at it closely and then smacked a hand over your mouth.
This was an engagement fucking ring!
Who the hell gave me this! Was the only thing running through your head.
You finished your shower and rushed to get dressed into your uniform.
As you were closing the door to your room you saw Lewis and Harry walking your way. They both saw you and gave you massive grins. You groaned at them as they got closer.
"Well don't you look better then you did last night" you glared at Harry and he just gave you a toothy grin.
You looked to Lewis and he was trying so hard not to laugh.
"What did I do last night Lewis? I have no idea how I even got to my room, and then there is this" you held up your hand and there eyes both went wide and they burst out laughing at you.
"Fuck you really were a mess last night, although you look better then Tab put it that way" you raised an eyebrow at Lewis and he just shock his head.
"Last night you and Floyd had a drinking competition and you ended up winning, bless the boy really, and then somehow Floyd got hold of that ring and proposed to you, you of course in your drunken mind said yes" your eyes went wide at what you had just heard Lewis say...
"I'm engaged to Floyd?" You asked and Harry nodded his head.
"That's right, and then you thrown up all over Floyd's shoes after as well, me and Lewis here brought you back to your room cause well you were completely fucked, you even started crying" you put a hand to your head and groaned hard.
"Holy fuck" you whispered, you all heard footsteps and looked to see Ron, he smirked your way and stopped next to Harry.
"How's our bride to be?" You glared at him and he chuckled.
"So I take it everyone knows then?" You asked as you sunk down to the ground and leant against the wall by your door.
"Oh yeah the whole of easy knows, poor Tab has been getting teased about it all morning" you looked up at Lewis and flipped him off.
"I'm so not in the mood for this" the three officers chuckled, Ron knelt down and put a hand on your knee and you looked into his eyes.
"You probably should face him now if I'm honest, I'm pretty sure he meant what he asked you last night" you raised an eyebrow at him.
"Why would he mean it?" You asked and looked at all three of them.
"Charlotte he's been in love with you since Georgia, everyone knows apart from yourself" your mouth hung open and your eyes wide.
"Holy fuck" you whispered as Ron pulled you to your feet.
"Where is that stupid boy?" You asked and Lewis grinned your way.
"He's down by the lake, socking in the sun and trying to keep away from everyone" you nodded at them and then pushed through them, you started running down the hall and then took two steps at a time down the stairs, you heard the three officers chuckle at you.

As you made it outside you saw a load of easy men, you heard the calls of
"Ah there's our girl!"
"How's the head sweetheart"
"Tab can't wait to see you!"
You flipped them all off as you carried on running past them, you needed to get down to the lake, hopefully Floyd was still down there.

As you ran down the dirt path and through the trees to the lake you saw Floyd laying down on the dock.
"Floyd!" You yelled out but then hissed when your head pounded from your headache.
He looked to the side and saw you running down the dirt path onto the dock. He stood up as you got closer.
"Charlotte" Floyd held his hands up to try stopping you from running but you wrapped your arms around him and you both went over the edge of the dock and splashed into the water. As you went under Floyd's grip on your tightened.
As you both surfaced you grabbed his face and kissed him, he froze with surprise but after a moment he kissed you back while pulling you into his chest, you were waist deep in water kissing the guy you've loved for over three years.
When you pulled away he looked shocked but happy at the same time.
"So your not mad I proposed to you then?" He asked while wiping the water from your eyes, you chuckled and cupped his face.
"All I'll say is took you long enough Floyd Talbert" he chuckled as he leant down to kiss you again.
"I don't remember much from last night though Floyd so can you do it again?" You asked while pulling away.
He smiled and looked down at your hands that were resting on his chest.
Floyd took your left hand and took the ring off your hand and looked up at you with a grin on his face. Still in the water Floyd got down on one knee and held your hand in his while holding the ring up to you.
"Charlotte Watts I've been in love with you for three years now and I know you aren't my girlfriend but I'm going to skip it and ask you" he paused and closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again with tears in his eyes, you cupped one side of his face with one hand and nodded for him to continue.
"Will you marry me?" He asked and you smiled down at him.
You both heard cheering and looked to see the whole of easy standing at the end of the dock whistling and clapping.
You laughed and looked back at Floyd.
"Of course I'll marry you" he stood up and slipped the ring back on your finger and you jumped into his arms. Floyd bent down ever so slightly and wrapped his arms around your bottom and lifted you up into his arm, you wrapped your legs around his waist and again there was cheering from the boys.
You couldn't believe it took a drunken night to finally admit your feeling to each other, you had been dancing around one another for the last three years, sometimes it was absolutely painful to watch but now that you both were engaged and ready to start a new chapter in your life's, it didn't all feel so painful anymore.
Life was finally starting to come together for you And Floyd, now it was a case of getting on a ship back home to tell your families and to start making plans.
"I love you" Floyd whispered into your hair and you pulled back to look into his eyes.
"And I love you"you whispered back.
Love is the most powerful thing in the whole wide world, how'd you get so lucky you thought.
Somehow you never really got the answer to your question but you were ok with that.

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