Lewis Nixon

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It was coming to an end in the war for your boyfriend Lewis Nixon who was in Germany, but for you it wasn't ending just yet, you were a marine and you got dropped into the pacific.
Before going to the marines you were a paratrooper for easy company just like Nix, but you being a sniper you were needed and you soon became a marine.
You had just got a letter from Nix saying that the war was over in Germany but they were now going to train for the war still going on and be dropping in near you soon.
You smiled looking down at the letter. You didn't have many friends in the marines. All your mates were back in easy. Lew kept you up to date with who was still there.
It saddened you when you found out about all the friends you once had were no longer there.
War was hell you thought. You couldn't wait to be with Nix again.


"Your in on this!?" Harry Welsh asked his two mates. Ron wasn't at all surprised.
"I couldn't let him go alone he doesn't know where it is, and plus Katie is over there" Lew said looking at his mates and then down at the letter he had just got from you. It had dirty hand prints on it from where you had held it and a small blood drop. He didn't know if it was yours or not but it made him worry.
"Well how is Katie doing over there Nix?" Ron looked at Nix waiting for an answer.
"Well if the envelope doesn't tell us then I don't know" Nix said holding the envelope up. All three eyes saw the dirt and blood on it.
"But she says she's doing just fine but just wished she was with all of us and not in the marines"
"That's understandable Nix, shes always going to be easy's girl" Nix nodded at Ron.
"I can't wait to see her guys, it's driving me nuts not knowing how she really is, she, she would never tell me over letter how she's really doing" all the boys looked a bit sad when hearing that. They knew you to well that you were way to stubborn to really tell Lewis how you were actually doing out there.


It was the day you got told the war was completely over and you could go home.
Home you thought. Home was with Lewis, you wanted to talk to him about moving back with him. You would be seeing him in under a week and you were so excited.


"Nix!" Someone yelled, I looked up and saw Ron running to me.
"Everything alright Ron?" I asked him.
"Have you heard, the wars over. Katie will be coming home Nix" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Ron had a massive smile on his face watching his friend process what he had just told him.
"She's- she's coming home?" I asked Ron and he nodded his head. I grabbed Ron and hugged him, Ron hugged me back and I was so happy that you were coming home. But your home wasn't with Nix yet.


Everyone in Easy had heard you were coming home, you were to meet everyone in England, right where it all started.
You were in your marine uniform and none of the boys had seen it yet.
It was very different compared to the paratroopers uniform. Your class A uniform was red, black and blue and not just green. But you liked it either way.
You were also promoted to captain before you left as well and you hadn't told Lewis yet.
You were sat in the Jeep just coming into the town where everyone was waiting for you.
As you rounded a corner you heard cheering and then you saw all your boys stood waiting in their class A's. The Jeep stopped and you got out.
There was some whistles here and there and you looked down and blushed.


We were all stood outside waiting for Katie to get here. Everyone was excited to see there sister at least.
"You excited Lew?" Dick put his hand on my shoulder and I just smiled at him.
"You have no idea Dick" as I said that I heard a Jeep and everyone started cheering. I looked at Ron and Lip and they had big smiles on their faces as did I.
I saw you step out of the Jeep in your new uniform and you looked so smart in it.
"She looks really different in that uniform huh Nix?" Ron asked him but he didn't get a response from him.


As I walked slowly over everyone was still cheering at you. You put your hand over your mouth as you saw George and he came running up to you. You stood still as George wrapped you in a hug and lifted you off the ground a little.
"Fuck look at you Katie! You look amazing" you blushed.
"Thanks George" you looked up at him and he had a big smile on his face.
"What?" You asked him but he stepped to the side and pointed to the group. As you looked you saw Lewis, Dick, Lipton, Welsh and Speirs stood there. You looked at Nix and he had tears in his eyes. You put your hand over your mouth and bent down a little and sobbed into your hand.
You looked back, you gave George your bag and started running towards Lewis. He walked forward and got ready for you to crash into him.
You jumped into Lew's arms and he picked you up, you rapped your legs around him and everyone started cheering again. Lew had his arms around you tightly as you had your head buried into his neck, you could smell cigarettes mixed with his Cologne and you missed it so much.
You unwrapped you're legs from him and he put you down and you both pulled away.
"Kiss her!"
"Kiss her sir!"
Was all you both could hear and you both laughed and he cupped your face and smashed his lips to yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer.
"That's the way Nix!" You heard someone call out. Your lips moved in sync. You missed him so much.
You pulled away while still looking into his eye.
"God I missed you Lew" he smiled at you.
"And I missed you Katie" he hugged you again.
"Alright alright let me hug her" you pulled away to see Ron stood there. You laughed but hugged him tightly like Lew did to you. You both pulled away and Lew was still looking at you.
"Look at you lieutenant and your uniform looks awesome" you shock your head and pointed to your rank. And Ron's mouth fall open.
"Your a Captain now!" Nix look at this your girlfriend is a captain now!" Ron said.
You looked at Lew and he had a massive smile on his face.
"That's my girl" Lew said as he pulled you into his side. You put an arm around his back and leant into his side. He leant down and kissed your head.


After seeing everyone you went up to Lew's room with him. He carried your bags up for you, you were dying to get out of your uniform.
You already had your jacket off and Lew looked you up and down.
"You look really sexy dressed in that you know" you looked up and saw a smirk on Lew's face.
"Oh really?" You asked as you leant on the doorframe to his room.
He walked over to you and pulled you into his room and shut the door with his foot. He never once broke eye contact with you and you blushed a deep shade of red.
He cupped your face in his hands and kissed you softly, you groaned into the kiss and you could feel Lew smirk against your lips.
He pushed you backwards until you hit his bed and you fall onto the mattress with him on top of you. He started to untie your tie and undo your shirt when the door opened.
"Woah shit okay I completely forgot you would both be up here" Harry said. Nix got up and put a pillow to your chest so Harry couldn't see.
"Nice tits Katie" Harry winked at you but you just went wend bright red.
"Fuck off Harry, you don't get to look at them." Lew said he started pushing Harry out the door.
"Well lock your goddamn door Nix, anyone could walk in" and he left. You lay down and closed your eyes.
"That was embarrassing" you mumbled and you heard nix laugh while locking his door.
You didn't open your eyes until you felt Nix get back on top of you.
"Now where was I" he said and kissed your nose. You giggled at him and wrapped your legs around his torso to bring him closer.

You ended up moving to New Jersey with Lew and you got married not long after the war.
George was your maid of honour even though he was a guy.. he wasn't taking no for an answer and of course Dick was the best man.
You didn't go for the whole white weeding and decided to make a dress with your old paratrooper uniform, Nix cried when he saw you in it.
You both looked amazing in your uniforms and everyone cried when they saw you.
Nix was your world and was till the day he died.

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