Lewis Nixon

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You were sat at a table in a pub with Johnny, Bill and Floyd. Normally you would be out dancing and having a good time with Donald Malarkey but things change.
You and Malarkey had bad dating all through training and even through Normandy but when you got back you both broke up.. things just weren't the same. But you didn't mind well you thought you didn't.
You were taking a sip from your wine that Floyd got you and your eyes landed on Don flirting with a blonde girl at the bar.
It annoyed you yes but he wasn't your boyfriend anymore.
You slammed your wine down and all three boys followed your eyes to where Don was.
"Hey forgot about him alright. Not worth it" Bill said pulling your arm so you looked at them.
"Damn fucking right he isn't worth it Bill." You said and Johnny chuckled at you.
You rolled your eyes but smiled.
"Thought it was you Amelia here I brought you a wine" Lewis Nixon said while coming over with his beer and a glass of wine for you.
You smiled at him and took a sip.
The boys started talking but you weren't listening to them. Your eyes wondered around the room and again landed on Don with the same girl but had her standing in between his legs and kissing her.
You took a rather long sip of your drink and the boys noticed and followed your gaze yet again.
"That son of a bitch.." Martin said while shacking his head "Amelia just give us the word and we will go tell him off" you forced a smile at the four men. "Thanks Johnny but it's not my place to be jealous anymore" you shrugged. "He has ever right to flirt and kiss anyone he wants" you downed the rest of your wine. "Doesn't mean I have to sit here and look at it all night though, any of you gentlemen care for a dance?" Lewis chuckled "thought you'd never ask" he said while taking your hand and leading you to the dance floor.

As you were dancing Lewis could see your eyes sometimes drift to where your ex was.
"You know" he whispered his mouth close to your ear. "I am an officer" you looked at him amused but confused. "I could get him in a whole load of trouble like putting him on cleaning or something" you laughed but soon put a hand over your mouth surprised that he even mad you laugh. "I didn't know you were this funny Nix" you said as you laid your head on his shoulder. He twirled you around "I'm full of surprises what can I say" he smirked at you. "Are you flirting with me Nix?" You raised an eyebrow at him.
He smiled at you and pulled you closer. You had butterflies in your stomach. You didn't know Nix was sure the charmer.
"So what if I am?" You scoffed at him but you knew he was right. You weren't involved with anyone now and Lewis Nixon was definitely a handsome man.

However your smile faded and you became sad when you saw Don with that girl again. You swallowed.
Nix could tell that your mood had changed.
"What is it?" He asked. "You know I just got out of relationship right? That this isn't a good-"
"And I know you have heard about the divorce that's awaiting for me after the war but goddamn it Amelia doesn't it really matter?" He was right of course yet again. Did you really have to care about tonight or even tomorrow at all?
You were happy being with Lewis and he made you forget about Don.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked you.
"I was just thinking about how you are right. Why does it matter and I've decided to not worry about it" you said and smiled up at home. He had a smile on his face as well. "So does that mean I can keep flirting with you?" Nix asked as he slid a hand around your back and rested it just above your ass. You wrapped your arms around his neck not giving a shit that the three boys at the table were indeed watching you both.
"I'll raise you one better, it may even mean you can kiss me tonight" he raised an eyebrow at you but smirked while pulling you closer.
"Well has anyone told you how fucking gorgeous you are? Cause my god you are"
"Oh my god stop" you laughed and he just shrugged his shoulders. "What I'm being honest here"
You just laughed and looked down at your feet.
He pulled your chin up with his fingers and lightly moved a finger over your lips while looking at you.
He didn't ask to kiss you. He wanted to kiss you so that's what he did.
He leaned in and kissed you ever so softly it was breathtaking to say the least. You kissed him back and heard some cheering from the side.
You looked away from nix who had a smile on his face but never turned away from you.
The three boys smiled at you and gave you a thumbs up.
However you hadn't seen that Don had actually seen the whole thing and felt really jealous.
You didn't care though
"Should we get out of here" you looked up and just nodded at Nix. He took your hand and lead you to the door and took you to his room.
That was one of the best nights of your life and you didn't know it yet but you were going to be spending a lot of time with Nix and also in his bed.

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