Geroge Luz

715 14 1

(Okay so this one really got me crying towards the end, it starts off all happy and cute but towards the end it gets a little sad)

Jumping up with a barking dog was not how you had wanted to wake up. Sitting up in the dark room you could still hear your dog barking. You heard movement downstairs and froze as you thrown the duvet off you.
You lived alone in Rhode Island while George was away fighting the war.
After George had left you had brought a dog to keep you company and to make you feel less alone.
Now was about the time you wished you had George by your side. Someone was in your house and your dog was barking mad at them.
"Shhhh please stop barking" you heard a muffled voice say.
They were trying to shut your dog up.
Climbing out of bed you grabbed the bat that you kept under the bed for times like these, this was the first time you were having to use it.
You heard more movement downstairs and something breaking on the floor of the kitchen that was below your room.
Walking to your bedroom door that was half open you slid out and made your way to the stairs. Bat in hand you walked down the stairs slowly. As you got to the bottom step you saw an army bag leaning up against the entrance table. You were confused to no end now, why was there an army bag in your house?
The entrance light was on as was the kitchen light.
As you walked down to the kitchen slowly you looked down and cursed yourself for not putting something better on.
You were in shorts and one of George's oversized t-shirts, you definitely should of put something else on.
Your dog had stopped barking which made you a little uneasy but then maybe the person had left? But the bag was still at the entrance.
As you walked into the kitchen you saw a men in an army uniform leaning on the kitchen sink while sipping at a cup of coffee.
As the man turned to the side a little you Gasped.
"George!" You whispered, the man turned around and put his cup down, he looked you up and down and smiled.
"Hey sweetheart" you dropped the bat and ran up to him.
He opened his arms wide and you jumped into them.
George picked you up and spun you around, his arms wrapping tight around you.
As he put you down you hit him.
"What was that for" he said while rubbing his head.
"That's for waking me up and scaring me half to death George Luz! I thought a robber or sorting was in our house" he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest.
"I'm sorry baby, I forget we have a dog, I wasn't planning on waking you up like this" he kissed your head and you sighed into his chest.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming home George?" You asked while pulling away and taking his hand in yours. He smiled and brought your hand up to his lips and kissed it.
"Because I wanted to surprise you baby, I've missed you so much it's crazy" you chuckled while swinging your hand in his to the side and back.
"I've missed you so much as well George" he walked closer to you and pulled you closer so your faces were inches apart. He nudged your nose with his and it made you giggle, George smiled at hearing your giggle for the first time in three years.
"God I've missed that" nudging his nose back he chuckled.
"George" you asked and he pulled away just a little so he could look you in the eyes.
He nodded for you to continue.
"Please kiss me" he wasted no time and cupped your face in his hands while placing his lips on yours.
It was so gentle and full of love, kissing him back he groaned and smiled at the same time, you wrapped your arms around his neck and stood on your tip toes to reach him more, George's hands grabbed your bum and he lifted you up so he was holding you up against him. He leant back on the kitchen bench with you still in his arms.
Groaning into George's mouth he pulled away, you gave a small whine and he chuckled while putting you down.
"Darling as much as I'd like to continue I think we should go to bed, cause god I've missed a bed" you nodded. You understood from what George had told you in letters that he really couldn't wait to sleep in a comfortable bed for once.
Taking his hand you pulled him along behind you as you started leading him up the stairs.
"I like this view" you looked over your shoulder and saw George looking at your bum. You scoffed and shock your head. George hadn't changed at all you thought.
To tease him you swayed your hips as you continued walking up the stairs, he groaned as he was obviously watching. A smirk formed on your face.
As you walked into your room George ran past you and jumped onto the bed and sighed.
"God this is heaven" you chuckled and climbed back into bed, George turned his head to see you sat up against the headboard.
"It's good to be home baby" he whispered and he closed his eyes. Smiling down at him you ran a hand through his hair. He hummed and smiled at you action.
"Get your uniform off and come get into bed" he opened one eye and looked up at you.
"Yes Ma'am" rolling your eyes George got up and took his uniform off, you watched his every move. His body was much more toned then you last remembered, as George took his last item off he looked over at you.
"Like what you see or something?" You blushed and he chuckled.
"Your just a lot more toned then I remember." He laughed and climbed into bed while pulling you into his side.
"Well that's what war does to a man" you hummed in acknowledgement and cuddled into George's side, the dog jumped up on the bed and George groaned as you giggled.
"Hey she sleeps here every night, now you've come home and taken her spot" he scoffed at you.
"Shall I just bugger off then?" He asked while pretending to get up.
"No!" You yelled and lay on top of him, he chuckled and kissed the top of your head.
"Go to sleep my love, I'll be here when you wake up" you kissed his chest and closed your eyes.
"Goodnight George" you whispered as sleep over took you.
"Goodnight baby" he whispered, you could tell sleep was taking over him rather quickly, you were happy to have your man home at last, you weren't going to wake him up early at all for next couple of weeks, you knew he would need to catch up on much needed sleep.

When George did wake up the next morning he woke up to you bringing him a coffee and breakfast, he couldn't be more happier to be home and back with his girl. The war changed a lot of people but George was determined to not change, and it was because of you he didn't change at all over the three years, of course he'd seen some horrible stuff and wished to not talk about at times but George was still the funny guy who cracked a joke anytime he got or the way he still flirted with you even though you've been together since high school, he just didn't want to change because he knew you'd notice and he didn't want to lose you because he let the war effect him.
George ended up living the best life he could when he got home, everyday he had you by his side and he was so great full.
You got to meet loads of the men he called brothers and it felt like they already knew you with how much George used to talk about you to them.
But one day George's life changed forever. It had been 6 years after the war and you had been rushed to hospital.
You had cancer and it was past the time to save you.
George's world crashed down right in front of him.
Some of the boys from Easy were told and they came straight to George's aid, they had never seen George so distressed before.
You got to have one more whole week with George before you passed away in his arms. He held you until you stopped breathing.
He had done this so many times with men who got hurt but he never thought he'd have to do it for the love of his life. You were only 28 when you died.
From that day one everyone knew George had changed. It wasn't the war that changed George Luz but it was the quick death of his lover that changed him forever.

He did end up find love again 5 years later, it was the anniversary of your death that he had found someone else.
To him it felt like you had been sent down in another body, it was crazy he thought but it felt like you were there with him.
He ended up married to this girl and lived a happy life with her, but not one day went buy when he wasn't thinking about you and wether or not you would of wanted to to get married and have kids, he missed you so much everyday but was glad to have someone by his side who understood and helped him through the tuff days.
You were always going to be the love of his life, and his now wife knew that as well. She loved you just as much as George did, without you she wouldn't of meet George.

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