Easy Company

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What they do when seeing/knowing when you are upset

Dick wasn't always around to see you in your moods, being of a higher rank the company didn't get to see much of there old CO, you got to see Dick at night time if you were lucky but one thing Dick wasn't used to was seeing you upset.
But when he did manage to see the sadness on your face he was quick to make his way over to you while putting his hand on your back to get your attention.
He'd give you a smile and pull you into his arms for a nice big hug.
Dick never was one to make you tell him what was wrong right away, he'd let you tell him at your own peace.

Like Dick Lewis was always up at battalion running around for the higher up's.
But Lewis wasn't one for spending all his time up with the other officers.
He always liked to observe you when you were both in the same room, even if others were around.
When he would see your smile fall into a frown or just gone he knew something or someone had upset you.
He'd make sure to give you extra cuddles that night and lots of kisses, he wasn't one for showing off his love for you in front of people but behind closed doors he loved to show you how much he did care and love you.
Lewis was always the person you went to for hugs even if he was busy he'd still make time to give you one.

Ronald Speirs wasn't a man who liked to show emotions but he did like to observe others around him on how they are feeling, you were one of those people he kept an eye on through out the war, even if you did sleep next to him most nights he still liked to observe you around others.
When night came around and you'd make your way into his room or foxhole he'd know exactly how you were feeling just by looking at your face.
He'd always wrap you in his arms once in next to him and ask how you were feeling, he thought it was good to ask you, even if you didn't want to tell him.
He always knew how to make you feel better by the next day.

Floyd always knew when you were upset, you were always an out there happy girl so when you were quite around everyone he knew something was up.
He'd wrap an arm around your shoulder and kiss the side of your head, he'd get a small smile out of you from that but he knew he'd have to work harder then that to make you feel better.
When it was just you two he'd pull you into his lap with your back to his chest and wrap his arms around you holding you against him.
He'd wait for you to tell him why you were upset and then do everything he could to make you feel better.

Chuck always found it hard to tell when you were upset, you were very good at hiding how you really felt from chuck and the boys. The only time he'd know if you were upset was at night time when you'd crawl into his foxhole and cuddle into his side, you were George's foxhole partner and Floyd was Chucks, if you came over to his hole he knew you weren't feeling yourself and needed him to talk to or jut to lay with, chuck was always happy to have you with him though so he never got sick of it.

You and George were very similar in the fact that you were both always joking or laughing with others in the company.
The only time you kept to yourself or just didn't act like you normally would was when George knew something was up with you.
He always hated seeing you upset and always wanted to make you feel better in any way possible.
If it meant telling jokes then he did it, if it meant telling you how beautiful you were over and over again to see you smile then he did it.
Once he could see a smile he knew you were feeling better but he still would do anything to make you feel 100% yourself.

Bill never really knew when you were upset, he never could tell how you were really feeling when you were so good at hiding your emotions.
You always put your emotions up behind a wall around bill and he never understood why.
Maybe it was because he lashed out at who ever made you upset or angry, or the way he'd always hound you for information on why you weren't smiling was the reason for you hiding it from him.
There were only small occasions when bill would see you upset and that was normally when you thought he was asleep and he'd hear you crying over something that made you upset.
That's when bill would just hold you in his arms until you went to sleep, he'd not say a word the next day unless you wanted to talk about it.

Joe Liebgott-
Joe always knew when you were upset,you'd always make your way over to him with sad eyes and just fall into his open arms. He didn't need to know information at the time, he'd always know you didn't want to talk about until you were ready.
He'd just hold you in his arms and give your head small kisses every now and then, most of the time he was with some of the guys and you'd just walk on over just to have his arms around you, although joe never minded one little bit, he loved having you close to him.

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