Floyd Talbert

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If there was one more thing you hated more then missing home, it was thunder storms. Ever since you were a kid you just couldn't deal with them, that scared the living shit out of you, maybe it was the loud noise or just the thought of crashing above your head, you didn't know and you weren't overall bothered about it, that was until now.
You had just come off the front line from Foy and you were in a bed for the first time since England.
All this time you had been around loud explosions and firing of guns and they hadn't scared you,but the thunder storm noises scared you.
Everyone was basically asleep and resting up. That's what you should of been doing but you couldn't sleep  due to that fact there was a thunder storm happening outside. You knew it was stupid and child like but at the end of the day they still scared you.

You were sat up in your bed with your pillow to your chest and the blanket wrapped around your legs, as a massive loud crashing happened above you, you hid your face in your pillow, it was going to be a long night.
As you put you head up a little, you could see everyone still asleep. How the hell were they all sleeping through this, you thought.
Another loud crash sounded above your head and you sobbed a little.
"Sadie are you okay?" You looked over to see Floyd slitting up in his bed, it was across the room from you. You didn't say anything.
"Sadie what's up, you look like you've seen a ghost" he asked again.
You sighed and looked back up at the sky or well ceiling.
"It's nothing, you'll think I'm stupid" you said and he chuckled and sat up a bit more in his bed.
"Try me" he said.

You see you and Floyd had always had this thing that went on, you never dated but you both were normally always together, if you were there he was not far behind.

You were brought out of your thoughts when another loud crash happened, you thrown your head into the pillow. You could hear Floyd chuckle and he got up. He walked over to your bed and sat down in front of you.
"Your scared of thunder?" He asked, you looked up to see a small grin on his face.
"It's not funny Floyd.. I've never liked it, and yes it does scar me okay, happy now?" You sighed and ran a hand through your hair.
"Come on come with me" Floyd said as he pulled at your hand. You got up and walked behind him. You heard the thunder and you froze in your spot, Floyd noticed and walked back and wrapped you in his arms.
"I've got you Sadie, it's not going to hurt you" you smiled into his chest.

Floyd lead you to his bed and told you to get in. He cuddles up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist while leaning his chin on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry Floyd" you said and he chuckled against your neck.
"Don't be, I think it's kinda cute" you blushed as he said that.
"I can go a whole two years of fighting a stupid war, but I can't last a night with a thunder storm.." he laughed a little bit and you felt him kiss your neck a little.
"Like i said, it's cute okay. And it means I get to hold
You all night" you could feel the smirk as his breath hit your neck.
As you were about to saw something, lightening and thunder started again and you screamed a little, Floyd pulled you closer and kissed your neck to calm you down.
"Fuck I'm a child" you whispered but Floyd heard you.
"Your my child baby" you turned to look at Floyd and he smirked at you.
"Am I now?" You asked as you turned all the way round so you were facing him.
"Yeah I think so, I mean if you want to be mine that is" you giggled at how cute he was being.
"I thought you'd never ask Floyd" you leant up and kissed him just as the thunder crashing again. He held you close for the whole night until morning.
The boys all made fun of you both for the way you were cuddling, but they also said you both were supper cute together.
Floyd was always there when thunder storms happened, he actually liked when they happened, it meant he got to protect you and make you feel safe, he loved making you happy and loved being able to cuddle you in bed, even if you were crapping your pants because of the storm.
He was your little helper for sure.

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