chapter 69

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(Aaa sorry for not constant updates I'm trying my best- motivation ain't there sadly-)

Tinky P.O.V

I gasped, putting my paws over my mouth as tears of joy came to my eyes. "Yes!" I whispered, nearly screaming from joy. I took my paws off my mouth and tackled him in joy, crying happily now.

"Yes I will marry you!" I told him happily, nuzzling him as I felt him wrap his arms around my back.

"That's good to know my love~" guardian purred, smiling brightly at me. I smiled back, backing away from him a little so he could slip the ring on my finger.

(Switch to no one P.O.V or 3rd p.o.v now)

Guardian held his love's paw in his, kissing his hand which made his soon to be husband/wife giggle quietly. He pressed kisses up his arm, his love tinky laughing and purring at his antics.

Guardian held his paw in his, standing up and he put a paw on tinky's hips. Tinky took the obvious hint that guardian was saying and put a paw on guardians shoulder.

The two tubbies looked into each others eyes, the love they held for eachother shining brightly in their eyes. Guardian began to hum quietly, but loud enough for the two to hear.

He swayed and moved around, tinky following his lead, their eyes not moving from each other, gaze interlocked while this all happened. The two began to dance, their hearts beating in time, yet slowly seeing how relaxed the two were with each other.

Tinky pulled himself closer to guardian, laying his head on his chest as he swayed with guardian, his eyes closing and his cheeks tinted from blush.

Guardian hummed a little louder, but still quietly, to keep the peace of the moment. Everything was wonderful, the two were happy and he was going to get to marry tinky...what could possibly be better? Nothing except their upcoming wedding day.


Tinky fretted in his dressing room, worrying relentlessly about whether his dress was the right one and if guardian would like it. You know the usal stuff that happened right before the bride walked out to their husband or wife.

Dipsy and the kids along with laa laa were trying to calm him down, to no avail. They were his bridesmaids, the children being the flower girls and of course they were trying to get him out of the room.

"What If guardian thinks I'm ugly!!?!? What if he decides he doesn't want to marry me!!?!? What if-" tinky's fretful voice was cut off with a slap across the face from dipsy.

"GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF YOUR THE OLDEST OF ALL OF US FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!!!!" Dipsy shouted, shaking the poor grape. "Though I think he didn't need to slap you I do agree that you dont need to worry mom" Evella chimed, hugging her mom to the best of her ability.

Tinky took a few shaky breaths in and out before nodding slowly. "Your right..I can do this.." tinky says quietly.

Tinky hugs himself for a second before walking out of the room.

Laa laa and dipsy, along with the girls followed suit, picking up his train to carry it behind him like they were supposed too. The twins rushed ahead, carrying flower baskets to throw the flowers out along the path.

Tinky had to try and calm his nerves, successfully doing so when he saw guardian turn towards him slowly. Tinky smiled brightly when he saw guardian's Reaction to him in a dress. Guardian's face lit up with a fiery red blush, his ears raising and a smile coming to his face.

Tinky blushed lightly at seeing guardian in a tuxedo, his face tinting a pinkish red. Tinky walked up to Guardian, standing in his spot now across from his soon to be husband.

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now