chapter 62

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Evella P.O.V

I yawned tired after a night's work and my mom picked me up yawning as well. "Time for bed baby girl you've been up all night working on the robots programming" he says. I nod tiredly and bury my face in my moms chest. I feel my self being carried before I hear a door open, and feel my self be tucked into bed.

I yawn, my sight blurry as I was falling asleep and I saw my mom take off my hat putting it on my nightstand. "Sleep tight sweetheart" my mom whispered kissing my head as I let the pull of sleep take me.

Swirl P.O.V

My mom tucked me into bed, his face calm and happy, his eyes holding a certain warmth to them. "Do you want a lullaby lollipop?" He asks. My mom always called me lollipop as a nickname, I did look a bit like one and I liked the name. "Yes please mom" I yawned, grabbing my plushie that looked like my dad.

My mom tucked me in making sure I was comfy before he say on the bed, brushing my hair with one paw the other laying on the bed.

Stars and moons and air ballons....fluffy clouds of white.....I'll wrap you in rainbows and rock you to sleep again....

My mom's gentle and honey like voice lulled me to sleep. I felt a kiss on my head and I heard a door close a light switch being flicked.


I woke up feeling cold, freezing even and not being able to feel my plushie with me anymore. I cracked open an eye and I saw bars. I opened my eyes fully and looked around. "Where am I?" I whispered slowly becoming afraid. I saw my sister sitting next to me and I shook her waking her up groggily.

"Sister we aren't at home anymore" I whimpered to her. It was then I realized their was chains on my wrists, attaching me to the wall of this cage.

Evella looked down at her paws and she had the same cuffs as me hooking her to the wall. "Where are we?" She whispers fear taking over her heart as well like it did mine.

"I don't know....but I miss mama" I began to cry, holding my self as I sobbed. Evella crawled over to me and  tried to hug me but the chains kept us from reaching eachother.

"Someone help us please...." she whimpered her ears lowering. "I'm afraid that wont be happening brats" someone hissed. We spun around looking at them, seeing them step put into the light.

"You....." my sister hissed. "Why cant you accept the fact that our dad doesn't love you!" I screeched at her. "He's dead anyway but I cant let you disgusting spawns of that infected live!" She growled.

Another tubby with dark green fur stepped out. "Miles kill them" she smirked. I watched as he raised his gun and pointed it at me.

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now