chapter 5

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A/N Side note to any one who has a problem with this AU cause tinky and walten are too OOC for you well......

You can fuck off ;)
Cause this is MY AU and it ain't my fault you came here and expected something similar to every tinky winky x walten book you read sorry but no. You see I am proud of this AU and your hate ain't needed which means.....

You ain't either so....bye bye .-.
Door that way------>🔥😈
(Just wanted to say this on to the book)

Walten P.O.V
I growled frustrated, I still hadn't found noo noo and it was tearing my sanity apart. (Must find noo noo....Must KILL noo noo)

I was then disrupted from my thoughts when I heard a small jingle sound. Assuming it was tinky winky trying to annoy me again I turned around to see tinky winky instead making what seemed like a little mark on the paper.

I looked closer for inspection to see the paper had written on it, 3 little sections that seperated months, years and days. The days read 12 the months read 11 and the years were 0

"Has it really been almost a year?" I asked shocked. Tinky nodded sadly at me before looking away and back to his chains. Something in me felt really bad....and he hadn't tried to escape and in fact had been really pleasant company per say so...Maybe...I could just let him out? If he promised not to escape that is.

"Tinky...."I trailed off. He looked at me eyes and face blank as if he was expecting some sort of insult or something else along those lines.

" you..promise that you won't try to escape?" I asked hestinalty, scolding myself for being shy about it since that was like the old me and not the me I am now.

He nodded slowly and wrote on a piece of paper and held it out to me, as far as he could through the bars. I slowly took it and he retracted his paws. But not before I felt their surprising warmth. I had to restrain myself from reaching out to hold his paws again in mine.

I cleared those thoughts before trailing my gaze to the sign which read, "yes. I do promise, but sometime I would like to know why you keep me here in this cell and with these chains and why you used to treat me like a beast (even though I acted like one) before but now...why you treat me nicely and never mind the rest" I fiddled with my paws at that. Before pulling out the keys to the cage and opening it.

No one P.O.V

Tinky watched as the cage door that trapped him for so long, was gently pulled open and a paw reaching inside for his to help him up or for some other reason that tinky serectly hoped was true.

The Guardian watched as tinky slowly stood up and walked hestainlty towards the edge of the cage. He tried to take a step further but the chain around his leg yanked him back. He looked back at it startled and alarmed before lowering his foot and head when he realized freedom wasn't possible.

That was before he felt two gentle  paws moving around the base of his leg area, where his chain resided, and looked down to see that it was indeed the guardian. No words were spoken or written, the air was dead silent, except for the hum of the camera screens.

Tinky watched the guardian slowly undo his chains around his leg, and secretly enjoyed every time the guardians paws touched his fur. Those warm paws...what he almost wouldn't do to feel them around his waist holding him in place, his back being pressed against the chest of the tubby who had captured him but not only that....

But had captured his heart. Little did he know that the guardian felt the exact same. Walten who no longer went by that name was also secretly enjoying the feel of tinky's fur and would denie it if anyone asked.

But sadly to both the chain came off with little relief to tinky and the guardian stood up to face him again, still saying nothing merely looking him in the eyes and taking in his features. Tinky did the same smiling, blushing the more he looked due to the handsome features of the tubby in front of him, before the other snapped his gaze away and began to unlock the  chain connecting tinky's wrists.

While this happened tinky wasn't paying attention to that but merely thinking about what was under the guardians hat. Did he have an anttena? Was color was it? What shape was it? Why hide it? Did it hurt to hide it in the hat? Tinky was able to get the chance to anwswer his questions when his handcuffs finally came off and he used the chance to snatch the cow patterned hat right off his head.

Under the hat lay a lighting bolt shaped anttena for which the purple tubby merely stared at in wonder. Tinky wondered what it felt like if he was to touch it....his paw outstretched he came close to feeling it's groves before his paw was smacked and the hat snatched from his grip.

No words were exchanged for a while merely a long silent state of curiosity and annoyance were felt.

Suddenly 4 words cut the air, the cure of the silence that was deemed unending.

"Don't try to escape"

The guardian stalkked off.

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now