chapter 38

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Guardian P.O.V

It had been 2 months.......the babys...were..due any minute.  And I was panicking....

"Guardian calm down! It's going to be ok!! WHY don't you do some work?" I spun around livid and still panicking. "WORK!?!??! YOUR ABOUT TO GIVE BIRTH ANY SECOND NOW I CAN FREAK OUT!!!!" I panicked before realizing we were in the bedroom and not in the healing room with the nurse tubbies like we should.

"WE GOT TO GET YOU IN THE BIRTH ROOM WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE!!!" I shouted before swooping Tinky up bridal style and running down the hall where the nurse bots were. I kicked open the door and set him on the table and making sure he had enough comfort.

The nurses activated and cane close to Tinky ready to help when he started to give birth. Sapphire then made her paws glow and created and blue magic field around Tinky. "This will make the birth a lot less painful your highness, in fact it will be almost painless" she said looking at the two of us,  making me relieved hearing that.

Suddenly Tinky grabbed my paw in a vice grip, making me wince slightly. He whimpered and tears fell down his face, making me wipe the away and coo loving words to him as the nurses prepared to help the babies along.

"The girls are coming" he whimpered, I nodded and kept whispering sweet nothing's in his ear to keep him calm and not panic.

(After the babies are born and it still hurt for Tinky in the first few minutes like a lot)

Tinky winky P.O.V

I looked lovingly down at the two girls curled in my arms. I knew no matter what I was going to protect them both with my life. The one in my right arm was white as snow like her father, but had a big purple splotch in her hair the color of my fur. Her antenna was a lighting bolt as well like her father but her skin was a nice peach. I smiled and turned to the one in my left arm who looked the most like me. She was almost entirely purple like me, but had a white swirl like pattern in her hair, along with  white stripes on her left arm. The stripes were curved like they were turning into swirls making the name choice easy for me.

I turned to see guardian looking at me with such adoration and love I blushed. He kissed my head making me lean weakly into his affections.

"The girls are beautiful just like their mother" he said making me blush a little darker. "Would you like to hold one?" I asked looking him in the eyes smiling.

"I would love to..." he breathed, so I handed him the girl that looked like him, watching proudly as he held her correctly supporting her head properly. "Evalla" he whispered making me cock my head to the side, being careful of my other baby. "What did you say babe?" I asked attempting to snap him out of his love like trance to no avail. "Evella" he said louder this time nuzzling his daughter's fave affectionately.

"E-vell-a?" I asked trying to pronounce it correctly. "Yes like that, like "evil" but not at the same time, a cunningly evil version of Bella" he said looking at me before going back to looking at her.

I smiled being able to tell that he was going to make a great father to them both with the way he was looking at them. "Lavender Swirl, or swirl for short" I said looking at the daughter I was holding. "Our little princesses" he whispered before he nuzzled my face affectionately as he cradled Evella.

I cooed back to him, and leaned my head against his shoulder as I watched our two little angels sleep.

(Here u is the babies have been born I will draw them in my slendytubbies art book)

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now