chapter 40

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(There is a good mystery person and a bad mystery person)

?? P.O.V

I hummed and sat on a rock, before looking behind me and seeing my adopted son sandstorm. "Mama your a auntie" he chirped before sitting by me. "You mean my brother.." I gasped. He nodded. "I should have been there for the babies birth....I'm a failure of a sister" I whimpered, tucking my head into my knees. "Its ok mama but I do think maybe you should show yourself soon" he said making me realize he was right. "Soon baby soon"

Tinky winky P.O.V

Two wails cut through the air making me snap my eyes open tiredly. I then heard a groan from next to me and I whimpered when my warmth left to go deal with the babies. I was thankful that he was letting me sleep but I was already awake so I grabbed the baby monitor screen and watched the girls cry for a moment before guardian entered the room quickly.

"Do not cry, tell me what has caused you to wail my sweet princesses" he said before reaching down into their crib and picking them up. "Ssshhh it's ok my darlings" he purred making me them stop crying as he rocked them.

I smiled gently at the camera, guardian always offered to take care of them when they had nightmares but I always woke up to watch him anyway.

He hummed a soothing melody making them look up at him beofre curling into his chest with their eyes still locked on to him.

He hummed a bit louder and rocked them gently making their little misty eyes close. I then awwed when swirl grabbed Evella's paw in hers and they both fell asleep. Guardian placed them back in their crib and peered down at them for a little while. The girls were still holding paws as he tucked them in.

He then walked back into our room making me shut the baby monitor off and watch him climb back in bed. Once he climbed fully into bed I straddled him and kissed him, making him let out a noise of surprise. I then disconnected the kiss and nuzzled him. "I love you guardian" I said as I nuzzled him. He blushed lightly and pecked my lips before spooning me and nuzzling my neck. I purred and put my ear against his chest to hear the rumbles in his chest as he hummed making me fall fast asleep again. "I love you too Tinky" I heard before I fell asleep.

(In the morning)

Auden P.O.V
I powered on and yawned before seeing that my boyfriend was still asleep. I smacked his big chest to get him to power on. We had work to do after all. He powered on and looked down at me. I hopped off his chest and tapped my foot impatiently. "Come on you big oaf, you need to do perimeter check and I need to cook breakfast for the master and his family" I hissed impatient.

"That doesn't mean you need to be rude about it but your reasoning is logical" he said getting up and transforming his left arm into a chainsaw so he had a defense during perimeter check. I hopped on his claw hand and ran up his arm till I would be on his shoulder. I kissed his head an jumped down to start walking to the kitchen.

He followed me but we parted ways when he reached he door to outside to check the perimeter. I would join him later with my attenea ability that would let me check the army's position to make sure they werent close to our home.

I nodded to my self and began to make the babies special formula that involved a special version of the custard that wouldn't make them go crazy or change the amount of infection in their bodies.

Only 2 drops of custard the rest being a special milk of some sorts with a little bit of flavor added in so it tasted good to the girls. (Pancakes for the Lord and his mate) I thought.

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now