chapter 6

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A/N Would you like it if I made it so you could ask them? You know like an ask and dare us? Or would you want me to make a book for it.

Walten P.O.V

I tapped my foot impatiently, I didn't know what to do. (Why was I having these weird feelings?) I couldn't even look at tinky anymore without blushing and my mind running itself right down to the god damn gutter.

Was it my fault that he just had the hottest figure I've ever seen!!! Thinking of that tubbie sent my mind realing. Those lips of his....that look so kissable.....his hips how much I would love to hold them.....and even better his much I would love to fu-


I spun around in my chair to be face to face with two pitch black eyes staring at me curiously. Before two paws grabbed and squished my cheeks. "Staph tht" I mumbled shooing his paws away.

He held a sign that read "you were blushing!!!" I growled in response. "I was not now what do you want?" I said angilry, using my hat to hide my blush and crossing my arms. He giggled and got close to my face, holding yet another sign that read

" What we're you thinking about??"

I growled and mumbled "their not a what their a who but it doesnt matter....."

He nodded seeming sad before walking off towards his room. I shrugged and went back to minding my own business. (I wonder if dipsy has made an progress with winning over Ron's heart?) I wondered silently.

Ronsy shippers here's a moment between them you won't see much of that in this book though cause I will dedicate a separate book to that.

I watched as dipsy showed Ron something before pulling out flowers that were blue just like Ron. (Nice job dipsy.) Ron blushed and took them into his own paws before stareing at dipsy for a few seconds and placing a kiss on the front of his neck. (Dipsy didnt have a head after all.) Ron then walked away out of view and left a blushing dipsy to him self, who seemed to be trying to get more stuff for Ron?

I shrugged again before switching the camera to tinky....I watched as he spun around his room like a professional ballet dancer before stopping and stareing at the camera.

I began to panic when he got close to the camera worried he was going to take it out of the wall. To my surprise he merley winked at me and went back to dancing as if he didn't mind it being there.

I sighed out loud as I watched him spin and twirl around. (He looks so...what's the word? that.) And the fact he could dance was amazing. I watched him for a few more moments before I heard a loud "clank clank " that startled me and made me quickly switch the camera.

I turned around to see my tubbie bot stareing at me with two blank yellow eyes. I coughed, "you didn't see that right?" I asked. No response. "Anything to report?" I asked in a more serious tone of voice.

"Possible noo noo location found. How ever being tracked by government, should we procede in capturing noo noo?" He informed me.

"Any names or info on who is tracking him?" I growled. "Affirmative" he replied. "Well....?" I said getting impatient. "Subjects tracking our target seem to be miles, and a pink tubby with a government helmet, by the name of anne"

I gripped the edges of my throne tightly. "Repeat that will you?" I hissed. "Subjects miles and pink tubbie, by the name of Anne"

"FIND THOSE TWO TUBBIES WHAT EVER YOU DO DONT LOSE SIGHT OF THEM!!!" I yelled infuriated, my eyes dripping tar, paws alight with black flames.

"Affirmative sir" he said before walking off to inform the other robots.

"Those two will pay....WITH THEIR LIVES"

No one P.O.V

Tinky crouched against a wall afraid for what he heard. You could hear walten's sanity slipping away from him, his mind focusing on nothing except killing those two tubbies.

Tinky winky slipped away back into his room, afraid of this new guardian. Your could hear walten's insanity growing through the whole base, even the new borns were cowering in fear of the guardian. The robots were the only ones to not be so scared due to they expected this outcome.


What outcome exactly is that....? And what does it mean?

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now