chapter 67

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(Aaaa- I remembered I need to choose contest winners- reeeeeeeeeee this is gonna be hard to choose for me because your art is all awesome-)

Guardian P.O.V

As I walked into the main area with my love I thought silently to myself. Evella ran up to me once we reached the kitchen area and I looked down at her, snapping out of my thoughts. "Are you still going to marry mom?" Evella whispered to me. I chuckled and nodded, crouching down to her height.

"I have the ring from before if you want it" evella whispered, reaching behind her to grab something. "No no its okay... " I mumbled, setting a paw on her shoulder.

"I'm going to get your mother a new ring so that way we can move on from the past and let go of the pain that the ring will remind your mother about" I whispered to evella. She nodded with a smile on her face and I smiled softly as well.

"Can I see the ring?" Evella whispered excitedly. I looked around to make sure tinky wasnt around or at least not paying attention. He was playing with swirl and she was keeping hin busy thankfully. I pulled out the box and opened it to show evella. She gasped and clapped happily. "Mom's going to love that!" Evella whispered. I nodded and closed the box before putting it back. I stood up, picking evella up before I went over to tinky. "What should I make for breakfast love?" I asked, kissing tinky's cheek.

He giggled lightly and I smiled, I love the sound of his laugh. "Well your cooking is always great so It wont really matter but I would love French toast honestly" tinky admitted. I nodded and chuckled a little. "French toast it is" evella and swirl both cheered at that.

I put evella down and tinky put swirl down as well. I kissed tinkys cheek before walking into the kitchen.

I saw that auden was in there and about to cook. I tapped his shoulder and he spun around startled. "I'll be doing the cooking today also you might wanna cover up your neck" I chuckled. He yelped and did so before running out of the kitchen.

I shook my head while laughing to myself quietly, looking for the ingredients for some French toast.

I found most of the ingredients, smiling when I did. I got the last ingredient out of the fridge and listened to the sounds of my family being happy together.

I cooked quietly to myself, thinking about how I would propose to tinky this time, and hopefully not get interrupted again.

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now