chapter 16

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I'm fighting writers block-
Tinky winky P.O.V

I awoke later on in the day, to see guardian still asleep, his hat tilted backwards on his head, allowing me to see his peaceful expression. I awwed silenlty in my head, not wanting to wake him and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. I then slowly slid off the bed, so I wouldn't make noise but was stopped by a paw grabbing my wrist.

I turned around to see guardian still fully asleep with a paw around my wrist. "Stay tinky...." he mumbled. I sighed he was just too adorable sometimes. I tried to yank my arm out of his paw but he had a steel grip.

I whined slightly trying to see if that would make him let me go, but all it did was make him pull me into bed.

"Lets sleep a little longer tinky...please?" He tiredly asked against my neck. I felt two paws creep around my waist, and I quickly smacked them to keep him from trapping me here.

I then made a mad dash out of bed and out of the room, laughing as I went.

*a little later*

Guardian P.O.V

"Couldn't you have found a better way to wake me up love?" I groaned as I slowly walked into the living room.

He shook his head no and pointed at my robo tubbie who I had yet to name, who seemed to be awaiting me with a frown.

"Wait a minute, no reports before my coffe, you know the rule" I groaned tiredly walking to the kitchen to make coffe. I was then stopped by a steel paw holding a steaming cup of my favorite brew. "It must be important then"  I said surprised. He nodded gravely and looked at me his frown growing deeper.

"Well?" I asked sipping (my tea-) coffe. "Noo noo has been taken by the military" I quickly spit out my coffe at that. I laughed to myself as I watched tinky flinch and make a disgusted face. "Your serious, they have him?" I said focusing on the serious task. "I'm afraid there is more bad news sir" he told me gravely.

I crossed my arms, frowning slightly. "Spill it already" I growled. "I'm afraid that they are tracking tinky my lord" he growled. (Why can't they leave us alone....) I growled deeply, my hands alighting yet again. I watched as a shadow of fear came over tinky's face and I quickly calmed down so I wouldn't frighten him.

I breathed deeply before nodding at my robot guard. "Your dissmissed we will think about this" I said before gently grabbing tinkys paw, and nodding my head towards our bedroom to let him know we would talk there. He nodded and clenched my paw tighter walking with me to my room.

*after They are in the room*

I sat on my bed holding tinky who was facing me, but busy writing on his sign. "Why is the government tracking me?" I read. I sighed "they want to capture you tinky and disinfect you after experimenting on you" I growled out. "I won't let them touch you...your mine...they cant" I growled angrily my sanity slowly slipping from me.

Tinky winky P.O.V

I watched as guardian held his head and his eyes began to get that sinister glow that I had grown to fear in them. I gulped and began to step away quietly. I heard him take deep breaths before looking at me with a calm smile on his face, a law being stretched out towards mine. 

"Sorry I scared you love, I didn't mean to, forgive me?" He asked. I looked at his paw and grabbed it, smiling to show I forgive him.

He smiled at this before dismissing the robot tubby and walking with me to his room.

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now