chapter 48

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Tinky P.O.V

"We are gathered here today to mourn the loss of a great tubby, who was indeed not just a genius, but also a father" Noo noo said. Its guardians funeral and we are all here to mourn him of course. All my siblings had come to help comfort me and the kids.

Dipsys lover ron had come as well. "Now if any of his loved ones would like to come up here and have a word they may" I snapped out of my trance and noticed I'd spaced off looking at his coffin.

Just as I was about to go forward and say something evella and swirl linked paws walking to the stand. I then saw they were holding his hat as well.

"Our..father was indeed a great tubby. He was not just a father to us but the best father in this whole world" evella said before she took a step back and let swirl speak. "As you...know...our daddy was taken from us a few days go...." she flinched knowing she was struggling with speech.

(Guardian was the one to teach swirl to talk and now hes gone....) I looked numbly at the girls, black tar still falling from my eyes. All tears have been shed and I had become emotionless over this past week.

"Our daddy was he made all yous people's...and..and..uncy auden and uncy announcer..." swirl fiddled with her paws nervous. "So miss DADA LOTS" swirl then started sobbing again and held her paws to her face.

Her sister patted her back, faxe like stone and took her place by the mic once again. "Though my sister has every right to cry, I will not be." Her reply shocked everyone except for me who sat emotionless still.

"The reason being is my fathers last words before death stole him from us, other then that he loved each and every one of us dearly...he wanted us to stay strong. He wanted us to stay strong" she held her little paw in a fist and held it over her chest.

"He made both me and my sister, along with my mother" she motioned towards me as she said this standing on top of the stand so she could be seen fully. "To stay strong for him even through death" she slammed her hand down on to the stand before I noticed tears glaze her eyes.

"We must stay strong for him!! It was his LAST dying wish that we would STAY STRONG and TAKE CARE of one and another" tears fell fast down ber face ash she gritted her teeth and shouted this to the world.

Hearing her words sparked a flashback from his dying day. "Take care of the girls" he has said. What have I done...I haven't been paying attention to the girls since he died...

Tears fell down my face along with the tar and a sob escaped my mouth. I bit my lip, tears still falling and walked up to the stand. Evella sobbed into my chest when I walked up there along with evella.

"We all miss him that much is clear, but like my daughter says...we should keep his memory alive in our hearts..which is just what we will do" I said into the mic. "We can only hope that heaven welcomed my boyfriend with open arms, because we all know how much of a little devil he could be" I laughed lightly. People chuckled and nodded.

Evellas eyes snapped open with a look that screamed something was going on in her head. I ignored it for this short while and continued to talk for a little while longer.

(When its over)

We walked home and evella rushed Into her room. I walked into my bedroom wishing the girls goodnight and walking away confused.

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now