chapter 42

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Guardian P.O.V

After breakfast I had gone to get the girls and had been playing with Evella quietly. Suddenly Evella grabbed my hat and tried to take it off my head. "What you want daddy's hat?" I teased before she grunted and used my arms to try and pull herself up into a standing position. I looked at her shocked as she stood wobbly but stood and looked at me with a cutely determined face. She held onto my arms and took my hat from my head and put it on her own, falling on her bottom as the hat covered most of her body.  I chuckled and lifted the hat up seeing her look grumply at me. "I see you" I cooed making her giggle and hold up the hat so she could see me better.  I then picked up the hat after playing a small game of peek a boo with her and placed my hat back on my head.

"I'll make you a hat of your own would you like that?" I asked raising my eyebrow. She clapped and squealed loudly making me laugh and shush her. "Sssshh your sister is sleeping come on and come pick colors for you hat with daddy" I whispered,  holding my paw over my mouth in a be quiet motion.

Evella copied me making me smile. I then walked out of the room carrying her and sending noo noo to watch for when swirl wakes up.

I then took Evella to a room full of fabrics. "Just point to the ones you want daddy to make your hat out of" I said. She babbled and shook her head at one's she didn't want as we walked. She then made a loud babble noise and pointed to a black fabric before pointing to a fabric the color of her mother's fur.

I nodded and called over a sewing bot."these two fabrics to make a hat identical to mine" I instructed it, chuckling as she gave it a professional nod and babbled as if to repeat what I had said.

I laughed and lifted her up the air. "Its uncanny how much your like me" I then lowred her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. She cooed and nuzzled me as we walked. Making me smile and coo back.

I went back to the girls room and dismissed noo noo cooing at Evella.

Suddenly out time was interrupted as auden came on with a worried look. "Something wrong auden?" I asked turning to him.  " p-p-p-po is...requesting to see the queen...should we let her in?" I growled. "Let her in I take Tinky knows but have all robos armed and ready to kill should she attempt to harm him" I growled. Evella growled with me and I looked at her surprised to see her face had turned grey like mine. "We will let them talk but I will step in should anything go wrong" I informed him making him nod and hurry off.

Tinky winky P.O.V

I gulped and stepped forward into the room to see Po glaring down at me in spider form. I gulped and bowed my head afraid of what would happen. "Hey po....I'm Sorry for what I was wrong....-" I was cut off by po. "I don't care you piece of shit, what I want to know is how your not infected" she hissed making me back up in fear.

"A-a-actually I'm still infected I can switch back and forth because-" "I found a way to cure it"

I sighed in relief when I felt a comforting paw on my shoulder and that guardian was behind me. I then looked down surprised to see Evella at my feet, hissing at po, her tiny fangs bared and face grey like guardians.

Po's gaze softened as she looked at Evella. She then looked at me with a gentle smile and transformed into her first form. "I take it she's your daughter?" She said getting on one knee in front of Evella. Evella hissed at her again and clung to my leg. "It's ok little one I'm not going to harm you" she said softly holding a paw out to Evella. "L-l-l-l-leave m-m-my m-m-m-mommy alone" she growled making and guardian look down at her shocked. She was only 5 months but she was saying her first sentence her first words...

"Alright I will leave your mother alone " she laughed before getting up and glareing at me. "This doesn't mean I forgive you" she hissed at me before walking out of the base to where ever she came from.

I breathed a sigh of relief and sobbed into guardians chest, stopping for a moment when Evella made a pick me up motion. I picked her up and smiled when she hugged me and buried her little face into my neck. "Thank you baby mama needed that"  I patted her back.

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now