Chapter 68

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(You rats want another lemon and cause I love you all you'll get another one at chapter 70 XP) (also here is 2 chapters, hope ya happy-)

(Lil timekskip btw-)

Guardian P.O.V

I smiled, holding the box in one of my pockets. I wore a tuxedo, bowtie, special shiny boots, along with my signature hat. Tinky was in our room, getting ready, happily I might add.

I fixed my Bowtie and hat and evella clapped excitedly. Noo noo came into the room and nodded to me. "Everything's ready sir along with the special dinner" he said blankly, smiling a little at the end.

"Is that a smile I see? Something's made you happy come on spill the tea" I laughed, changing my accent at the end. He shook his head and chuckled lightly.

"Well sir you see, miles has been coming along well and has...been...affectionate to say as he relearns things and I cant help but smile at some of his adorable antics" he admitted, rubbing the back of his head.

"Ooooo someone's got a crush" both me and my girls teased, having lenny faces. Or shipping faces, whichever you want to call it.

"Sir please don't antagonize me" he laughed, blush covering his cheeks lightly. "Well congrats to you noo noo" I cheered, the girls nodded.

"Thank you sir now if you dont mind I'm going back to hang out with the little fluff ball" he waved as he walked away, I could swear he was skipping from how happy he was.

I shook my head at this before looking at my wrist. "I'll go check on mom" evella chimed, running through the halls. I talked with swirl, waiting for tinky to take him on our special date.

(With the grape and child)

Tinky P.O.V

I fiddled with my necklace nervously, pulling on the end of my dress. I worried about my appearance, wondering if the dress was bad or I was a little overweight.

I felt someone pull on the end of my dress and I looked down, snapping out of my anxiety like thoughts. Evella stood there, tapping her foot against the ground. "What's wrong mom? And don't say nothing I can see it on your face and in your eyes" she huffed, crossing her arms.

My ears lowered and I sighed. "I'm just a little nervous...what If your dad thinks I'm ugly or he thinks I'm fat!?!? I fretted nervously.

"Mom do you hear yourself!?!? Dad! Think your ugly!?!?! No way" she chimed, shaking her head. "Dad love you so very much, and he would be upset if he knew you were thinking like this!" I nodded lightly, agreeing with her words.

I took a few deep breaths in and out, calming down. "Dad will love you now  come on, he's waiting" she held her paw out, and I took it, letting her lead me out of the room.

I let go of her after a bit and walked through the hall myself, holding my head high. I came into the room, seeing my white furred boyfriend dressed in a fancy tuxedo, looking handsome as always as he talked to auden.

His demon appendages had been hidden away, and I gulped, approaching him. Evella ran up to him and tapped him, pointing to me.

I smiled gently at him, ears pinning to my back, feeling a little shaky with worry still. His ears raised as he turned to face me, blush coating his cheeks as he stared at me. He whistled  lowly, tipping his hat and I giggled at his antics. He took my paw into his and kissed it, causing light blush to coat my cheeks.

"You look stunning my love~" he cooed to me, kissing my cheeks. "Now if you dont mind everyone we will be on our way" he chimes to the others. I quickly said goodbye to the girls, before being pulled into his arms.

The last thing I saw before we teleported was a sign saying "good luck!" That auden held and I wondered what that meant.

However my train of thought was pulled away when I saw a starry night sky. I looked up in awe and admired the stars that sparkled across the dark blue sky.

The sounds of glass clinking snapped me out my daze and I looked down from the sky, seeing guardian set out glasses and food on a picnic blanket.

I gasped and cupped my cheeks happily, sitting by him. "Oh this is so sweet~!" I purred happily, smiling at him.

"The night is just beginning my love" he chuckled, closing the basket once all the food was out.

The food looked delicious and I knew that either he or auden had cooked it when I began to dig in. We ate in a peaceful silence, making comments here and there and chatting with eachother.

A couple romantic flirts were made from guardian and I always flirted back or teased him. My heart swelled every time he flirted with me, along with sweet or romantic actions he made, making me fall in love with him over and over again.

This night was perfect. Absolutely perfect. I thought nothing could make this night better but I was wrong. After we finished eating guardian had stood up, and sang to me, pulling me into his arms.

We danced across the grass with eachother, his paws on my hips and in mine. I had gotten lost in his eyes when he pulled me into a dip. He continued to sing and I slowly recognized the song.

I couldn't believe it....I knew that song...and I knew the next like that was coming...but it couldn't be possible that he was going to..!?!?

He let go of me after he pulled me back up and spun me around in a twirl before he got down on one knee.

"Will you marry me~?" he sang, holding open a velvet box with a beautiful pearl white ring inside.

(1001 words- hope you enjoyed-)

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now