chapter 49

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Tinky P.O.V

I stared at the ceiling blankly. For the past 3 weeks now I haven't been able to sleep. Every night was restless and full of tossing and turning non stop.

No position I tried to sleep in was ever comfortable. So I would toss and turn and try to get in a comfortable position.

But it never worked. I had figured out what was wrong by now. I was so used to not sleeping alone, to having guardian's warmth and scent wrapped around my me every time I slept.

I would never have to wait to long before he came back form his throne room and slipped under the covers behind me, kissing my neck or my cheek or my antenna.

But he wasn't here now. That warmth was gone I saw it happen. (And it's all your fault, you could have attacked him or taken your kids and ran but noooooooooooo you HAD TO FREEZE)

The voices started up again like they did every night insulting me, blaming me, all the lot. This would happen on end for hours leaving me tired and emotionally drained.

I sighed and turned around so I was laying where guardian used to lay.

I clutched the sheet in my paws tightly and close my eyes trying to block the voices in my head.

Tears fell down my face and I bit my tounge to keep from sobbing. I calmed down and stopped biting my tounge feeling an irony liquid flood my mouth.

I sat up and swallowed the blood before going to the other end of the bed. I sat my feet on the ground and put my elbows on my knees. I put my paws together, my pointer fingers up and the rest of my fingers down.

I placed my pointers fingers together and glared at the weapon sitting on my dresser.

A incredibly sharp razor sat there, clean and shiny, and very tempting with these thoughts in my head going on. I sighed and began listening to the voices, reaching out to grab the blade. But then my daughter Evella's voice cut through it all and the memory of what she has said rang loud and clear though my head. "Stay strong for dad"

I repeated that phrase outloud for a little, changing the term dad to his name. I took a deep breath and stood up, turning away from the razor and walking to the door.

(Some hot coco could do me some good...) I sighed again and began ablong walk to the kitchen. I stopped at Evella's door and tried to open it. It was still locked tightly. She hasnt opened it in 3 weeks...not even to come out and eat. I always made sure to wrap her plates up of her food and put them in the fridge so she could always get them later.

I had a hunch that she came and grabbed them and took them to her room when I wasn't looking. It didn't matter to me as long as she was eating and not starving in there. I wished she would come out but I understood and respected her privacy. Her dad and her were super close so she had a lot to mourn.

Not like I didn't seeing as he had been planning on marrying me but never got the chance. I snapped out of my train of thought and knocked on the door to see if she was awake. I was replied to by silence.

I sighed and lowered my paw, continuing my walk to the kitchen. I'd make sure to leave her a letter under her door and see if she would come out tomorrow. But that was to high standard of a hope.

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now