chapter 53

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(I'm so evil making you figure out my puzzles...) (one of you figured it out so they got the answer to the puzzle U-U)

Evella P.O.V

I had wanted to talk to my mom but I couldn't find him anywhere. I asked auden if he knew and I should have figured it out sooner. I grabbed an umbrella and heaed outside to see my mom sobbing next to my fathers grave.

(Soon you won't have to cry like this mom....soon) I thought and walked over to him putting the umbrella over his head and mine. We had really big umbrellas that could expand.

"Evella you s-should go inside you could get a c-c-cold" my mom said in between sobs. "You need to take care of your self evella, dont worry about me" my mom said pushing the umbrella away from him as he clutched my dads tombstone.

"Dad would want you to take care of your self to" I said putting a paw on my mom's shoulder. I looked off to the side and saw someone nod at me.

I nodded back. They made motions with their paws to show what they wanted me to say. I nodded again and looked back to my mom. I put the umbrella over both our heads and hugged my mom.

"Dad would want you to take care of your self, and we all promised him to stay strong! Your supposed to care for me and swirl and how can you do that if your sick? I know you miss him we all do but he would want you to be happy still even though he's gone...though he may be dead...."

I looked off to the side again. The tubby gave a slow shake of his head letting me know it wasnt time to let my mom in on everything quite yet. We needed to wait. "He still lives in our hearts and our memories...." I spoke softly. My mom's tears has stopped falling but I could tell he was still upset. His skin was still a pale grey and his first was still dark purple.

"Lets get you inside mom" I whispered, holding his paw as we walked as a source of comfort. "You know your father loved the rain" he whispered stopping in place.

I listened carefully wanting to hear this story. "When ever it rained he would drop everything and come and take me out in the rain with him and we would dance and laugh...and then he would put me in a dip and kiss me...we'd laugh happily after that and dance more in the rain..." my mom smiled, blushing lightly at the memory.

I smiled and looked to the side, I received a smile and a nod. It was true this did happen. I looked back at my mom and waited for him to continue.

"We would be soaking after wards and your father would always get so grumpy when his hair was all wet" my mom laughed. I smiled and urged him to continue. "His bangs would get to long that they would cover his eyes and he would get all upset it was adorable" my mom sighed happily.

"How about once we get inside you tell me and swirl all the stories you have about you and dad! We could go through the picture book!" My mom smiled at me and gripped my paw tighter.

"That sounds like a good idea evella"

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