chapter 4 (LOL XD)

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Tinky winky P.O.V

I frowned slightly it had been 2 months and 2 weeks since he captured me. And after that conversation we had he hadn't really tried to talk to me since. Nor had he even ackonleged my existence. I bad grown frustrated with trying to write with the handcuffs on and decided I'd see if I could get them off some how.

I banged them against the bars of my cage, while I sat on my knees and looked at the back of the guardians throne. I got no reaction..... (welp better try again -_-) I banged it 5 more times against the bars and began to see little tick marks appear on the guardians head. I smirked he was losing his cool. I kept knocking them against the bars repedeatly, my grin growing with every "clang"

Guardian P.O.V

I knew what he was trying to do.....and yes...I was pissed....😡
But...I wouldn't let him see me lose my cool because I was better then that. So I took a deep breath in and out before standing up and walking off away from my throne to go do something productive other then being angry.

A couple of my tubby robots needing fixing since they had been damaged or destroyed by the claw tubby.

*after fixing 2 robots*

I flinched slightly when I heard YET another "clang" I growled angrily tinky winky was trying so hard to make me angry and sadly it was working. The whole time I had been working he hadn't stopped hitting the bars as if they were drums.

I finally had enough and marched outside my lab to confront the idiot.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!" I cried angrily throwing my paws in the air. He looked at me with a sh*t eating grin that looked stupid as fuc- and shrugged and stuck his tounge out and made what's called I believe is a "derp face"

I stomped up to his cage and tapped the bars angrily at the end of every word to emphasize my point.

"WHAT. DO. YOU. WANT. YOU BETTER NOT SHRUG OR SO HELP ME I DONT USE MY POWER TO BURN YOUR FUCKING HANDS-" I was then interrupted by him holding a sign up with a poker face on.

"Watch your mouth, is it always that dirty?" I hissed angilry at him, my paws setting alight with a black fire, the flame as enraged as I was. "UNDERSTAND. THIS. I. CAN. KILL. YOU. RIGHT NOW. SO STFU" I said glaring at him while yanking in the chain that was connected to his collar.

He kept his poker face and merley wrote on the sign again "what ever you say hun" he showed me.

I stomped away angrily to go destroy something before spinning around to see if I read that right. (Wait-)


I screeched angilry at him my face slightly feeling like it was on fire. He smiled again and made what sounded like an "awwwwww" sound.

"I AM NOT BLUSHING STFU" I screeched as I stomped away somewhere he couldn't see me.

Tinky winky P.O.V

I laughed as he stomped away. He was to cute honestly especially when embarssed. (I would have to have that happen in the future)

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now