chapter 11

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Walten P.O.V

The robots had finally finished cooking and we watched (we were in the dining hall) as they quickly placed platter after platter on the table. I then beckoned one of the robots over to me before lowering my voice and whispering in ones ear, "get my finest wine will ya?" He nodded and walked back into the kitchen. I clicked into my paw and looked at tinky who was distracted and drooling over so much food. I knew he knew that I liked him and from what it seemed, he didnt plan on letting my little hint go.

So I would casually make moves, to make him flustered to then play it off coolly like I hadn't done anything. I knew what I was doing, hence why I asked them for wine and a feast to make it seem like some sort of "date" and see if tinky winky would realize that.

The same tubbie I asked for wine from, was gently carrying a big bottle of red wine and holding the perfect candles for the table. I nodded smiling at him, proudly.

I had programmed him and I later found out he could feel emotions and had developed his own character. I was proud of him and thought of him like a best friend or sometimes a son.

He winked at me before setting the things down on the table, setting them properly so the candle wouldn't block my view of tinky and make it awkward. He then walked off saluting me and headed off to charge I guess.

I tilted my hat at him in response before looking back at tinky and walking over to his chair. I pulled it out like a gentlemen of course which made tinky giggle again before sitting in the seat and clasping his hands.

I sat down in my chair and watched as tinky eagerally dug in. I laughed at his antics before taking a small amount for myself seeing as I wasn't that hungry.

*after a little bit*

I patted my mouth with a napkin of course before sitting it down on my lap, laughing as I saw tinky pat his stomach happily, signaling that he was full. I looked at his chest to see that I could no longer see his ribs and that he gained plenty weight, but still not his usal healthy size he was before.

"I take it your full?" I said, leaning my arms on the table, setting my head on top of them. He nodded happily, before raising an eyebrow at my smirk. I snapped a gloved paw tilting my head to the right slyly, as 10 tubbie bots came out with heaping plates of dessert. "I hope your not to full for dessert" I said my eyes narrowing.

He gasped as he looked at the desserts being set in front of him. Little did he know that I knew all his favorite deserts along with favorite types of flavors of fruit and such for ice cream that he liked to eat before the infection.

He licked his lips and I watched as a grin began to cover his whole face, growing wider for every dessert he saw. 3 slices of cake were then placed in front of me by none other then my loyal tubbie, who knew all my favorites.

The 1st plate contained a slice of the purest white, drizzled on raspberry sauce that engraved itself into the cake itself, along with a beautiful garnish of two blackberries that sat in front of the crust. The second plate had a choclate cheesecake of a medium brown, with a white chocolate drizzle.

The third and final was a very old favorite of mine...before my infection that very few in fact only one knew that I liked this. It was a beautiful slice of lemon meringue pie, and it wasn't a thin slice.

I smiled a genuine one and happily dug in to the third slice first. I happily hummed as I tasted the tangy lemon, with the fluffy cream that lay on top.

I then was snapped out of my haze when I heard a faint "awwww" I blushed and looked at the source of the sound. Tinky winky was looking at me with a stupid smile on his face, which made me guess that it was him who did that. "What, I the pie...ok?!?" I cried burying my face in my hat.

He laughed loudly at me, making me cover my face even more in embarssment. I then looked up and noticed he had ice cream all over his mouth area in splotches....even better it was vanilla too...7w7

I walked around the table, since he was distracted by his own laughter, and quickly cupped his face in my paws holding it like I was examining it. "Speaking of funny you should see the mess on your face....looks like you gave someone a good time there, give me a test drive sometime will ya?"

I flirted before calmly and quickly walking back to my seat and continuing to calmly eat my pie.

After a little bit of silence I looked up calmly, to see tinky gaping at me, his face as red as a strawberry, mouth wide open.

"Might wanna close your mouth, before something slides in luv" I flirted again, winking at him. I watched amused as tinkys face turned so red, steam could be heard coming from his ears.

He quickly snapped his jaw shut and fell to the floor, nosebleeding. I walked up to him and crouched next to him. He wasn't moving when I offered my paw to him so I assumed he was unconscious. Picking him up bridlestyle, I carried him to his room.

I gently pushed open the doors to not wake him, before gently laying him down, and tucking him in. I watched with a small smile on my face as a sigh of content came from him. I silently awwed before pecking his head, lingering there for a moment, whispering a small "I love you"
Before hurrying away to my room.

Little did he know that tinky heard him....

A small smile came to his tinkys face, his eyes opening slightly showing his normal pitch black eyes, white hearts flashing briefly in his eyes, where pupils would usually lay. The white hearts lingered on the spot the guardian had been, before disappearing as tinkys eyes closed.

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now