chapter 2

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A/N That's what I imagine tinky winky looks like. Not walten though (art not mine)

Tinky winky P.O.V

I was hunting because man was I hungry and thankfully a new tubby had stumbled into our world...a pale yellow tubby, with peach skin wearing a black jacket and boots.
But did I care? No! All I cared about was eating that delicious looking tubby.  After a while of chasing him through the forest I caught him and bashed his head into the ground knocking him out but not before him mumbling something along the lines of "not again why creator?"

I shrugged not understanding and dragged my prey to a large rock and went to go find a sharp stick to cut him up and eat him with...

*after finding stick*

I raised the stick above the tubbies chest and stabbed him where his heart would be. I heard a gurgle come from the unconscious tubby before I continued to tear him apart. After i had seperated his right arm and left leg I was grabbed from behind and suspended in someone arms high in the air.

"Target acquired. Return to master" I heard a strange voice say from behind me. I turned around raising my eyebrow to try and figure out what exactly it was that was holding me. I was soon shocked to see it was the announcer robot that the white tubby had previously destroyed. (But where was it taking me?) I wondered.

I internally groaned when I realized it wouldn't be possible to ask him where we were going nor was it possible to escape since I cant break steel without being a tank which isn't possible without a special custard. All I could do was sit and wait to find out where he was taking us.

Guardian/walten P.O.v

I tapped my foot against the table as I hummed to myself a song that I used when I was bored. I didn't have to wait to long for my robots return when it came clanking back behind me. I cackled silently before pressing the button to turn all the screens towards tinky winky showing only his face, before tipping my hat over my eyes and spinning around in my chair to face him.

"Welcome tinky winky.....I've been expecting you...." I said smirking, my grin growing by each moment that passed. I looked up locking my red pupils on to the curious tubby who oddly enough was slightly afraid but also had a look of awe in his eyes.

I scoffed and commanded my robot quietly to cuff his legs and arms and neck with steel links. The robot nodded and did such (with tinky fighting back of course but in the end losing)

He growled at the robot as it walked away back to my side when he had all the chains on. I got up from my throne and roughly grabbed the chains that connected his thick steel handcuffs together, and began pulling him as I walked to where he would be staying. For some reason I felt no resistance as I lead him to his cage.

I threw him in and glared at him after slamming the cage door shut. He did nothing but stare at with his big blank pupiless eyes. I growled under my breath at him before slamming my hand against the bars hard enough to cause a loud groan sound to come from the bars before looking him in the eyes, hot sticky tar dripping from my eyes. My pupils glowing a bright red.

When I saw the fear in his eyes I laughed at how scared he was. I grinned crouching down to his height (he was sitting on the floor of the cage)

"Your lucky to even be alive now... so I'd keep quiet unless you want to end up dead for real this time" I cackled at him.

His eyes widened in response before a gurgling/growling sound emitted from his throat. "Oh that's right...when you became lost the ability to talk....thats to bad now isn't IT?" I said smirking at him, showing off that I could still talk.

He growled pathetically before looking down at his paws in shame. (Part of me felt bad....but this was revenge so why should I wasn't like he was going to be alive for very long....)

I growled back at him angilry for confusing me and walked off, my arms crossed behind my back.

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now