chapter 47

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Tinky P.O.V

My tears were dry now as I stared down at my future husband's lifeless body. I had been crying over his corpse for at least an hour to 3 hours now and I felt empty and numb.

The girls looked about the same as me looking down at their fathers corpse numbly. I sighed blankly and picked up guardian bridal style his body was cold no longer filled with the warmth of life like it used to. Even infected he had a strong heartbeat that pounded like a drum, but now the sound of that drum was gone the warmth of joy and love that his body usually had when I hugged him was gone.

Instead it was cold, colder then the snowstorms on the mountains or any kind of ice. "Come on girls...we need to get home...." I said numbly.

They nodded faces blank and walked slowly by my sides still holding onto each other tightly. In one paw evella held her fathers hat tightly.

We walked in total silence all of us empty of that warmth and light that had us smile.

That sun in our lives was guardian...but what is he? Dead. That's what. So what will be the point in life anymore.

As we walked into out home we were greeted by happy robots only for them to grow silent as they saw me holding guardian.

Shocked gasps and whispers filled the air around us, making me grit my teeth. Evella and swirl looked down at the ground, knowing exactly how I felt.

Though the robots may have been whispering to us their voices were deafening. It was loud to us hearing their thoughts about this and what had happened. I wanted to close my eyes tightly shut and wake up like this was all just some sick dream.

But I knew it wasn't. Guardian is dead. And their is nothing I can do. Noo noo walked up to us his left eye open wide in shock as he looked down at guardians corpse blankly. "Is he-?" He asked. He then looked at the girls dead eyed blank looks and my face. "I'm sorry for your loss" he murmured.

I merely blinked. "We can arrange a proper funeral for him if you like" noo noo offered kindly.

I just nodded numbly. (He deserves a good funeral he was an amazing tubby and a wonderful father...its my fault he died...he died because of me...its all my fault) I thought numbly.

"I'll take him to his bed while you make the coffin" I sighed. He drew his mouth into a thin line and nodded hurrying to the robots to get them to help him start building one.

I walked through the hallways, holding his body tightly as I walked into his room.

My eyes must had faded into their infected mode because I felt an all to familiar black substance trail down my face from my eyes.

I set him on the bed gently and sat down hurt the bed, as if he was just in a long sleep that he would wake from later. But I knew better. I knew he was dead. But I didnt want to think about it.

This is something that a cursed custard cant fix. He an infected. There was no way to bring him back now. He was forever gone.

Evella sat in my lap holding swirl tighty like a teddy bear. I looked down numbly at Evella to see her in infected mode as well.

Her eyes were pitch black with red trails running like tears from her eyes. Her skin was a grey as her fathers and the purple in her hair was as dark as mine now.

Swirl was in her infected mode as well, which was surprising seeing as she had never been mad enough to shift. Her eyes were pitch black with red swirls that looked as if they could spin around.

Her skin was a grey as my tank form and her right eye was indeed red with a blue circle in her pupil like me in tank form.

Her hair however actually faded more into white then purple.

I nodded and looked back to guardians dead body before covering hin with a blanket

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now