chapter 33

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No one P.O.V

"Activate project N"

"Trial one project N"
"Able to capture?"


"Send it on mission C.T.I.P.T"

Guardian P.O.V

Everything was fine here, and things were running smoothly. Tinky was now 5 months in and when he woke up from his 3rd nap of the day we were going to see some of the special powered nanny nurse bots I had made who would be able to tell us what the gender of the baby was. I was working on a holo screen, occasionally stopping my work to take a picture of Tinkys cute sleeping face.

Tinky was sleeping, cuddled into the crook of my arm, his head on my chest as he snored quietly.

His snored weren't the annoying kind, and they were pretty much silent, at most it sounded like he was just breathing. I heard a groan and I looked away from the holo screen to see Tinky looking at me groggilry. "Good afternoon sleeping beauty~" I purred before kissing his forehead and nuzzling his cute face, making him purr at the affection, before fully waking up.

"How *yawn* long was I out?" He asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "4 hours" I chuckled before getting up and offering a paw to him. "It's time to go find out about our little bundle of joy my love" I smiled happily, nearly awwing about how cute sleepy Tinky looked.

"Carry me?" He asked stretching his arms out like he wanted to be held, making me "awww" and pick him up, knowing I wouldn't be able to deny that cute face.

I lifted him into my arms, and held him bridal style, making him purr and nuzzle into my chest before walking down the hall with him in my arms.

I walked for a while humming a tune, before opening the doors to the nurse robots office, and setting Tinky down on the table, making sure he had enough pillows to prop him up.

The nurse robots activated and one (sapphire) walked to Tinky and began talking with him, while the other (crystal) came to me and started explaining how they would set everything up, and how she promised it wouldn't hurt Tinky or the kids at all.

I nodded to this and watched as sapphire got shiny blue gel and spread it across Tinkys his stomach. "You could have warned me it was cold" Tinky mumbled making me walk over to him and hold his paw.

"The way this  works is the gel will glow the color of the gender the baby is going to be, and it will glow in the spot the baby is in" crystal said before making her paws glow with low power magic energy and placing then on the gel.

Tinkys whole belly lit up a bright pink making me turn to crystal and sapphire confused. "It looks'll be having twin girls your highness" they said cheerfully, making me freeze in a state of shock.

Tinky winky P.O.V

I smiled  and cried slightly in joy. (I'm  having two babies...two beautiful babies...) I looked to guardian to see his reaction to see him frozen in shock. "Guardian? Babe? You ok?" I asked worried he didn't like the news.

"Twin...girls..." He whispered before his puipls rolled to the back of his head and he crashed to the floor with a loud thump. "IS HE OK?!?!?" I cried worried at the nurses.

"He's fine he is just shocked which is normal for fathers when even hearing the wife is pregnant. He will be out for a while but he should wake, I wouldnt worry though, he must likely won't be upset, he will probably be happy, but you may want to take him back to his room so he can wait there, we can carry him"

Crystal and sapphire said in sync, making me kinda creeped out, before they picked him up, throwing his arms around their shoulders. They walked to his room with me in tow, making sure they didn't try anything.

After they set him down on the bed I sat by him and glared at them, with one paw on my belly and the other on his. "You need not worry about us stealing him, your highness, we have lovers already"

They laughed, I still growled in slight disbelief. "We are together your highness" they said making me sigh in relief that I didnt have to compete with two busty female tubbys.

They bowed and walked out of the room, holding paws, and smiling at eachother.

I smiled and looked down at guardian, taking his hat off his head and brushing my paws through his hair, carefully running  around his antenna.

I decided to occupy myself by trying on his hat and seeing how I looked, before deciding to talk to my daughter's about how happy I was to know about both of them.

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now