chapter 8 (leaving)

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Tinky winky P.O.V

After hours had past,of me trying to get the collar off, I had realized it wasn't possible without turning into a tank. And I couldn't afford to be noisy right now so I would have to deal with it. (But how would I get past his door if the chain always jingles when I  walk?) I pondered that for a moment before getting an idea.

I thankfully didnt need to pack anything...I think I wasnt sure. I peeked out my door, to check for robot guards before dashing down the hall both of my paws wrapped around the chain, keeping it diagonal and silent as I ran. I stopped and dove behind a table, hiding from a guard.

After checking if it had passed, I quickly began to run again, tip toeing past guardians room. "Your leaving...." I stopped in my tracks. I spun around to see guardians main robot tubbie, stareing at me with his head cocked to the side. I whimpered hoping he wouldn't report me to guardian.

He stepped closer till in he was right in front of me. "I won't tell. Go." He said pointing towards the exit. I sighed in relief and smiled at him before running to my freedom.

I ran and ran and didn't stop till I deemed that I was far enough away. I looked around where I was and saw it was nothing but a simple forest. (Or was it...?) The trees looked like they had a slightly blue hue, but It must be a trick of the moonlight because it's so dark.i walked around for a little bit before deciding I would need a place to rest where guardian wouldn't find me.

I walked around a bit more, stopping occasionally to look up and see if a tree was good to make a home in.

*two hours later* I finally found the perfect tree to make a nest in. I quickly scaled the tree before resting in its branches and falling asleep.

*transition to morning brought to you by an author currently fangirling over Godzilla x Mothra*

I yawned, stretching and popping my back and scratching my neck to the best of my abilities as I woke up. I listened to my stomach gurgle and growl at me. I then jumped down from the tree and began to hunt around for food.

*transition of 6 hours brought to you by the authors annoyed younger brother because she keeps fangirling about his idol*

I whimpered in pain as I walked back to the tree where my nest was. I hadn't found a single bowl of custard. Nor had I heard the sounds or smells of any living tubbies. I climbed weakly back into my nest. I had searched for hours upon hours for food...and I hadn't gotten a delicious juicy Tu- I was cut off with another painful growl,

I flinched again. I dangled my leg off my nest and messed with my collar chain. ( first I had hated this collar...but I had grown to like i could surprise guardian when he was busy, how I would shake him out of his thoughts with a little jingle.)

I sighed and rubbed my paw along it. It was the only thing I had from guardian...And so I would keep it.

*1 year later (this is 1 hour before chapter 9*

I thought quietly about my memories of the guardian. And that one time...he held my paw...what I wouldn't do to have that guardian holding me in his lap, cuddling me....but that's just a distant dream that I held on to....

(Was I gay? Yes i was especially for that handsome white tubby...who wasn't mine.)

My stomach growled louder but I ignored it lost in my thoughts, remincising all the wonderful times the guardian and I had together. I was snapped out of my thoughts by what seemed to be singing...? The voice was smooth like honey and rich and deep like velvet. It was captivating I just

I jumped down from my nest and walked away to go find the source of that voice.

*see you in the next chapter*

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now