chapter 23 (potion fiasco part 2)

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(That's what announcer kinda looks like, until I draw my version of him he looks like that. Also he will have a tubby form later, and art not mine, I'll draw robot announcer later)

Tinky winky P.o.v

I was sitting on guardians bed to wait for him to come back from what ever he was doing so we could cuddle in the morning like we always did.

"Ummm your highness?" I turned to see auden looking nervously at me. I raised an eyebrow at him. He then walked closer to me before giving me a little....child!?!?!??! That looked like guardian?!?!? I held the child and bounced him on my knee which made him giggle before turning to auden for an explanation.

He gulped before hurriedly explaining. "Master was working on a potion, and one of his reject potions slipped off a shelf and exploded right in his face, causing him to become a child"

I nodded and looked back down at baby guardian to see him attempting to climb up me. I raised an eyebrow and watched as becomes all the way to the top of my head right where my antenna was. I watched as he puffed our his cheeks adorably and made a gurgle noise, before grabbing my attenea, and smacking it a few times.

I flinched when I felt Tiny little claws, scratch my antenna. I grabbed him and set him back on my lap and shook a finger at him. He most likely wouldn't understand writing or infected lanaunge so I was at a loss. He blew a raspberry at me before turning away from me to pout.

I rolled my eyes (who knew guardian could be so dramatic?) I set him down on the bed for a second to find him something to play with. When I turned back around he was gone.

I screeched (his jumpscare A/N) and panicked, looking all around the room for him. I then ran down the hallways quickly, thankfully seeing announcer holding him. "Can you two watch him while I look at his notes and see if I can find a cure?"
I asked flinching at my voice.

Auden nodded, me smiling before running off towards where I would find guardians notebooks.

Auden P.O.V

I took the master from announcer, and looked at him, to see him smiling maliciously at announcer. I raised an eyebrow and yelped when he bit me making me let go of him, and watched as he crawled towards the hallway. "Thankfully the master is at a stage where he can't walk, he can only crawl" announcer said facing his head towards me and crouching down slightly.

I watched our master blow a raspberry at us before getting up and sprinting down the hall towards announcers room. (Not that I knew where that was or anything....)

Announcer and I ran down the hallways chasing after him. He laughed evilly and ran in to announcers room right to the farthest wall. "Sir...Your action your about to  take is not logical" I raised my eyebrow at announcer to see him nervously sweating. I  turned back to the little master to see, him wearing a sadistic grin on his face. He then pushed a button on the wall which made a small section of the wall pull part revealing bunches of pictures....of me!?!?!?

I blushed lightly and turned to announcer for answers as to why he had security camera screenshots. He turned to me and looked at me silently for a while as if he was debating on how to answer. "I was merely....admiring your form and how our creator built You which is logical"  he said turning away from me and back to the master. My blush darkened, "you know...thatssounds like your hitting on me.."

He turned his head towards me again "your reasoning is logical" he then turned away quickly and crouched down on one knee towards the master. The master then snickered and gained an evil gleam in his eyes.

I gulped when I realized that he was looking at me, before he turned and walked towards my room. I screeched loudly when I realized what he was going after. I dived to try and catch him but he teleported out of my grasp and blew a raspberry yet again at me. He shook his butt at me and waved his paws above his head. You know like... "nanana boo boo you can't catch me!!!!"

He then laughed loudly and ran towards my room clutching his tiny hat to his head. I screamed loudly and chased after him, announcer merely following confused. "SIR PLEASE NOT MY SKETCHBOOK!!!" I cried when I saw him holding it evilly. He then shrugged and tossed it on to my cot, giving me a look that says "we'll talk about this later"

He then climbed on to my cot, and pulled open the curtains to my secret wall. I screeched emabarssed and tried to cover the wall before announcer saw. Baby Guardian huffed at me and tried with all his baby strength to push me away. Thankfully it didn't work due to me being bigger and more T H I C C (A/N XD I'll stop)

Announcer looked down at me from his tall height, " why are you hiding the wall?" I sweated nervously, my blush burning brighter the closer he leaned towards me. "Because I don't want you to see it?" I said trying to get him to back off. "Your reason is illogical, you answered in a question which results in sparked curiosity meaning your action is illogical"

He leaned closer slamming his hand on the wall next to me. "Reveal what you are hiding seeing as our master wishes for you to, or I will move you myself" he said his speaker face directly in my face.

I gulped and fought the urges to say something flirty and walked away from the wall covering my face in embarrassment as he viewed all the pictures I had of him, scribbles of hearts and sticky notes with personal thoughts were on the wall.

"It seems we both have attractions for each other.."

(So yeah 1030 words but um I gave announcer shockwaves personality but with emotions and the capability to understand how someone feels,  because shockwaves from TFP can't feel and finds emotions illogical. But yeah there is your announcer x auden there will be more in the future 7w7 maybe limes of them when announcer gets a mini him form, or his tubby form)

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now