Stuff Has Came Up

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Hey guys,

So, I know that after my dance recital was over I would post chapters again through Monday to Friday, but my grammy and aunt are here. My aunt needs some time without my grammy because so hardly sleeps just by making sure she is okay and her job (Don't ask me what her job is, I know what it is, I just don't want to explain it.). So, my family and I are going to watch over her until we get to New York and I don't know when that is. So, I would post chapters until this Friday of this week because my aunt is staying in my room, like always, and I sleep in the living room where I can't think of how a chapter is going to be. I have a chapter, but I want to do that when I have my room back. I would of had a bunch of chapters for you guys this Friday and next week, but my dad does NOT go to bed until like after 10 or right on when it's 11 and I go to bed around 1 because I worried about my grammy that she is going to fall when she goes to the bathroom. I would do chapters when I'm alone at night, but I get tired and I can't think. I get angry that my dad doesn't go to bed a little early. I don't want him to go to bed very early, just like before 10:30. Even though I love my grammy very much, but I want to be in my bedroom where I can watch MY shows or movies on MY TV and won't have to have the living room TV on a low volume and I can do more chapters. I know that I'm disappointing you guys right now, but I promise I will try to hurry up with the chapters as fast as I can. I do want to thank you guys for being patience while my dance recital was going on and I know you guys have been very patience with me, but I need you guys to be a little more patience for me, even though I don't deserve it by now.


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