New Stuff

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Hey guys, 

I'm going to show you what is happening in the next few months.

I will post this Friday and Saturday. Next week, I think I won't post because I want to rest from writing, but sometime in late January, my sister, mom, and I are going back to Orlando for my sister's dance competition and I don't know if I will be able to post.

I might post twice on Valentine's Day. I might not be able to post again sometime in late February too because my sister has another dance competition in Atlanta.

I might post twice on the 14th because on that day is my birthday. I will post everyday for Spring Break which is after the day after my birthday, but I will start that on the Friday before my birthday and also might post twice on Friday and if I post twice on that Friday, I will post twice on my birthday.

I have a Senior trip, which is called Grad Bash, and it's in Orlando and that is three days. The dates are 16th, 17th, and 18th and I won't post on those days because I will be busy. I'm going with my best friend, RaeAnna. On the 16th, we leave and arrive to Orlando and go to Disney's Magic Kingdom. On the 17th, we go to Disney's Hollywood Studios, Universal Studios, and Universal Studios Islands Of Adventure. On the 18th, we go to Disney Springs and after that we leave and arrive back home.

I have my dance recital on either the 15th or 16th and try to post on those days. I have my Graduation sometime in the middle of May.

Other Stuff
Starting now, I will post the day before I don't have school like if I have Monday off, I will post on Sunday or like if I have Wednesday off, I will post on Tuesday.

Alright guys, I think that is everything and I will let you guys know if anything comes up.


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