Chapter 134: Let's Talk

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Wanda and Lorna arrive home and Wanda parks her car in the driveway. They both get out of the car and grab the shopping bags from the back of the car. They walk to the front door and go inside the house.

Lorna says "Where do we put the bags?"

Wanda says "Well, where do you want to put the bags?"

Lorna says "In the guest room."

Wanda says "Alright then."

They both go upstairs and put the bags in the guest room.

Wanda says "I'm going to check on Vision and Everleigh."

Lorna says "Okay. I'm going to go ahead and put my clothes away."

Wanda says "Okay."

Wanda goes to her and Vision's bedroom and sees Vision on the bed, reading a book. Wanda knocks on the door frame and Vision looks towards Wanda.

Vision says "Hey. How was shopping?"

Wanda says "It was fun. How was Everleigh?"

Vision says "Good. She's taking a nap right now."

Wanda walks to the bed and crawls to Vision. Wanda curls up to Vision and they both share a kiss.

Wanda says "So, what's for dinner?"

Vision says "I don't know yet."

A voice says "I can make dinner."

Wanda and Vision turn their heads at the doorway and see Lorna.

Wanda says "Lorna, you already made breakfast this morning. You don't have to make dinner too."

Lorna says "I don't mind."

Wanda says "Okay then. So, what are you making for dinner?"

Lorna says "How about I surprise you guys?"

Vision says "Sounds good to me."

Wanda says "Same here."

Lorna says "I will get right on it."

Lorna leaves Wanda and Vision alone and goes into the kitchen.

Wanda says "So, on a another day, Destiny, Ava, Lorna, and I have to go back to the mall to look for pj's for Lorna."

Vision says "What day are you guys going back?"

Wanda says "The ladies and I were thinking probably Sunday."

Vision says "Sounds good to me. I can bring the boys over here and watch the game."

Wanda says "What do you mean by"the boys"?"

Vision says "Strange, Bucky, and Loki."

Wanda says "Oh."

Vision says "So, how many stores did you ladies go to?"

Wanda says "Fourteen stores."

Vision says "Nice."

Wanda says "Yeah. Destiny, Ava, and I payed for Lorna's clothes."

Vision says "That was kind of you, Destiny, and Ava. But..."

Wanda says "But what?"

Vision says "But Lorna has to get a job if she wants to buy stuff."

Wanda says "Oh my gosh Vision. I can't believe you right now."

Vision says "What?"

Wanda says "Cut the girl a little slack. I mean, she just got out of the blockade and her past wasn't all nice and sweet."

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