Chapter 35: First Fight

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Vision opens the door and comes inside with a take out Panera Bread bag.

Vision says "Love, I'm home."

Wanda says "I'm in the living room dear."

Vision goes to the living room and says "I got Panera Bread. Is that okay?"

Wanda says "That's fine. That's eat at the dinner table.

Vision says "Okay."

They both go to the dinner table and Vision places the bag on the table. Vision goes to the kitchen and grabs two cups while Wanda takes everything out the bag.

Vision says "What do you want to drink?"

Wanda says "Water please."

Vision pours water in both cups and brings them to the table.

Vision says "Here's your water."

Wanda takes the cup and says "Thanks."

Vision sits down and they both start eating.

Few Minutes Later

They were still eating and quiet until Vision says "I might be gone this week."

Wanda says "What?"

Vision says "Mr. Stark asked me to go with him to Wakanda."

Wanda says "And you're not going right?"

Vision says "Well... I kind of want to go."

Wanda says "But, you will be gone for like a week."

Vision says "I know."

Wanda says "Plus after work, I will be alone. I don't like being alone. Like today, I try to think of things to keep me active. And most of the day, I watch TV and I don't want to just watch TV and I miss you very much."

Vision says "You don't think I like that too."

Wanda says "What?"

Vision says "When you are at work and I'm not, I get lonely and I miss you too."

Wanda says "You told me that it was okay for me to work at the hospital."

Vision says "Well, maybe I was wrong."

Wanda says "Vision, we are suppose to support each other."

Vision says "You're not supporting me for going to Wakanda with Tony."

Wanda says "Why do you want to go to Wakanda with Tony?"

Vision says "Because I want to thank the king and his sister for helping me."

Wanda says "Can't you do that over the phone or give them a thank you card?"

Vision says "I want to do it face to face. And I think they don't have phones at Wakanda."

Wanda is frustrated with Vision. Wanda gets up from the table and grabs the plastic bowl and her cup and walks to the kitchen while Vision follows her. Wanda throws away her bowl and puts her cup in the sink.

Vision says "Wanda, why are you mad?"

Wanda says "What gives you the idea that I am mad?"

Vision starts to get frustrated and says "Wanda, I am serious."

Wanda says "I'm mad because we didn't even discuss about it."

Vision says "What do you mean?"

Wanda says "When we talked about the job I was offered by Strange, we discussed if I should take it."

Vision says "You're being ridiculous."

Wanda says "I'm being ridiculous?"

Vision says "Yes, you are  being ridiculous."

Wanda says "Oh my gosh Vision. I only worked there for like two days. And next, you propose to me and we can't fight like this."

Vision says "Well, maybe I made a mistake to propose to you!"

Wanda was shocked and starts to cry. Vision realizes what he said to Wanda.

Vision says "Wanda, I am so sorry. I didn't mean it."

Wanda says "But you still said it."

And she hands Vision the ring and walks away from Vision and heads to the bedroom and Vision follows her.

Vision says "I'm so sorry Wanda."

Wanda goes in the bedroom and locks the door and slides down to the floor and cries even more.

Vision says "Please Wanda. I am really sorry. Please forgive me. I love you so much."

Wanda didn't say anything. She kept sobbing while hugging her knees.

 She kept sobbing while hugging her knees

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Ten Minutes Later

Wanda settles down and gets off the floor and unlocks the door and opens it and doesn't see Vision.

She calls out "Vision!"

Vision doesn't answer. Wanda looks around the house and doesn't find Vision, but she notices that his car keys are gone. Wanda goes to the living room and sits on the couch and thinks to herself. She starts to cry again and lays down on the couch.


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Hey guys,

I start school tomorrow and I can't wait for next summer. But I am excited to see my friends again.

Bye guys

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