Chapter 14 - Chinese Whispers.

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I sat quietly for the rest of the lesson, and as soon as the bell rang, I rushed out of class.

My eyes scanned the crowded cafeteria for Azalea, it looks like she had already made friends.


"Hey Maydah, this-"

"Listen, there's this new guy in my class, his dad works for the authorities,"

"You think he could be a spy? You know, after eveything that happened?" Azalea asked.

"Azalea, he's just a kid,"

"Exactly!" She said, "That's why he could be a spy!"

"This isn't Alex Rider, but something is up, his name is Zeke Daniels and he told me the authorities here recruited his dad," I told her.

"How is that weird?"

"Why would they need to recruit some one? Espicially at this time, when there whole reputation is at stake?"

"That's true," Azalea agreed. "But for now, let's just focus on saving those kids."

Azalea and I were walking home after school. We passed Miss Greyson, she was an old lady, some where in her late fifties and was the perfect grandma, she was so kind and caring and her cooking was amazing. She was one of the very few neighbors that helped out after mom had passed away but boy was she loud.. She had lost her son in the shooting, I remember him, always the trouble maker!

"Miss Greyson!" I ran up to her.

"Yes dear? Everything ok?"

"Yes, perfect actually, because I heard all the kids missing from the mall shooting are with the authorities!" I buzzed.

"Oh sweetheart, they would have told me, but it's very nice of you to be concerned."

"No trust me please, just go to them please!" I half begged.

"Ok, ok, I will, and I'll let you know what happens," She gave in.


I turned back to Azalea. "Hope it works!"

A week later, word about the kids was out on the streets, it turned out Miss Greyson had been reunited with her son, along with many other families. Everything had finally turned back to normal, Haylie and her constant bullying, homework, school.. At least it was for a while.

Tuesday morning and I was taking out my Algebra text book from my locker and stuffed it into my bag. Some one's hand whizzed past, banging my locker door shut, I looked up and noticed the veins sticking out of his arms, it was the new kid, Zeke.

"What's wrong with you?" I gasped startled,

"I could ask you the same question."

"What?" I narrowed my eyes in confusion.

He shoved a document in my face, "My dad's job is on the line because of you. You did something and I want to know what it is."

"What the hell is this?" I said taking the document. My heart skipped a beat when I saw my name printed on the cover of it. I opened it but it was empty. "It's empty."

"Your darn right it is." He fumed. "So what damn crap did you do?"

The bell rang.

"I got to get to class," I said, 

"No, you got to tell me what you did," He raged, grasping my shoulder so I couldn't move.

"Don't touch me." I gritted my teeth. He let go immediately, still waiting for an answer.

"Have you ever been with your dad to work?" I asked.

"That has nothing to do with anything!"

"Yes it does. Have you or not?" I asked again


"That makes sense," I muttered.

"You better start making sense," He scowled.

I took a deep breath. "There was a shoot out in the mall a few years ago and some kids went missing. The authorities found them, only, they weren't reunited with their family, instead they were used as lab rats, to be tested on...  I found this out and spread word that the kids were with the authorities, so the parents went to take back their kids. That's it."

"You're a liar," He breathed, "My dad would never-"

"It' not just him, it's every one there, they're all in on this."

"No. How do you know this?"

"Because my friend Azalea saw this first hand. She was taken in by them and a lady named Laura Bunsen helped her to escape but some how they found out about this and now Laura's dead." I told him.

He shook his head backing away.

"How did you find this file anyway?" I asked handing it back to him.

"I heard my parents discussing it, so I snuck into his study and stole it."

"Well if you don't believe me, you might want to make another trip to his study and find out all the information." I said walking away.

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