Chapter 61 - One year.

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It felt like a whole eternity had passed. I was now seventeen. My sixteenth birthday had been celebrated a month after we went into hiding. I have to admit, it wasn't what I dreamt my sweet sixteen would be like,  just a simple cake and one candle, but there was no other choice really, it was better than nothing. Azalea was 15 but she was already taller than me, only by a bit though. She had cut her perfect golden hair into a choppy hairstyle when she was frustrated about being underground for so long, she thought the change in hairstyle might make her look different so Alex would allow her to go out without a bunch of clothes and fuss to disguise her. 

It didn't work out. Azalea was furious, but I like her new hairstyle, it looks unique. Azalea won't admit it but I know she likes it too. We've been out quite a bit though. But I guess it's just because we can't go out on our own at our own times, wearing our own clothes that pisses us off so much.

Every one above thinks I'm dead when I was killed by God know who.. Alex has a friend in the news business and tipped him off  not to  investigate on Dad, Auntie Aasiyah, Mazin's or the Conner's families. The cover up story for them was that they all went into depression after I died and so moved to their home countries to start fresh. Sounds real cheesy, I know.

"Maydah are you listening at all?" Sorren questioned, he was our teacher. Yup, even underground Alex made insisted that we still receive our full education, so Sorren, who was a former teacher agreed to help out.

"Of course," My head shot up.

"Than what was I talking about?" He challenged.

"Osmosis?" I guessed.

"Close enough," He sighed. "Anyways-"

"So uhh, it's water yeah?" I said loudly, noticing Azalea was dozing off and I wanted to distract him from seeing her sleeping in his class again, because last time we got a severe lecture from Alex about concentrating.

"Yes, it is the-" He began, but than narrowed his eyes at me. "You weren't listening.."

"I didn't understand," I shrugged, "Right Azalea?" I said even louder.

"Circle of life!" She said waking up.

"That's it." Sorren said. "Go see if Andeon will give you the Business Studies and Economics lesson."

"Finally, at least Andy's interesting," Azalea muttered. 

It was true, Andeon was ver interesting, he told us about his experiences and he knew exactly how to grip a person's interest. I believe that's because his marketing skills are over the top, that's what helped his company get so famous.

"Hey girls, watcha doing?" Lakisha asked, she was the only one who managed to stay so bubbly all the time.

"Nothing," Azalea said, "We're ment to be looking for Andy for our 'lesson' stuff,"

"Oh, he just left, he's due in court." Lakisha told us.

"So when is this stupid case going to be over so I can be alive again?" I asked.

"Naah, you'll be alive before the case is over, we just need to wait until they call for witnesses." Laksh said.

"And when is that? It's been a year already." Azalea moaned.

"I know, but we need to make sure all the evidence is on the table so all the witness has to do is verify it. That's whats taking so long."

"Well in the mean time could we have nicer channels on the TV? I'm tired of watching Martha Stuart cook all day," I complained.

"Yeah, this cable TV is terrible," Azalea agreed.

"Don't hurt it's feelings," Lakisha stage whispered, "Otherwise it will stop working all together."

Azalea and I burst out laughing.

"I'm not joking." Lakisha frowned at us. "Anyways, I've got to run, I think we're running low on supplies.... Get it, run for low running supplies?"

Azalea and I looked at each other, "Hilarious." We said straight faced.

"I found it funny." Laksh cringed her forehead.

Azalea rolled her eyes and headed to the room she was sharing with me and half the other ladies here.. Not including Alex thank God. Lakisha told us Alex wakes up at four in the morning, she would absolutely kill us for real if she found out we wake up at four in the afternoon. Although Sorren threatened to complain to her if we didn't come on time to his classes, but he's never done so.

"Lakisha," I called running after her before she could leave.

"That's me,"

"Do you have any news about the kids from school?" 

"You mean your friends?" She asked.

I nodded.

"That depends, who are you talking about?"

"Umm, Cailey.. And Zeke?"

"Well, Cailey, the nice little girl with extra rich snobby parents right?"

"Yup." I nodded.

"She's fine, kind of lonely, I noticed, she doesn't mingle to much with the other girls for some reason." Laksh told me.

"Oh.." I said.

"And the other one? Zeke was it? Isn't he the one who got sentenced to one year at boot camp?" Lakisha asked.

"Uhh yeeah."

"He's still got a month or so left I believe."

"Thanks." I said.

"No problemo me Amiga," She grinned and headed out.

I think I had read nearly every book in the world down here. We weren't allowed the internet, unless it was Saturday because Sanjay, the computer guy, was able to haze the signal since every one was uses it on Saturday, it would be harder to pinpoint a certain location unlike other days. So the only other thing left to do was read, read and read.

"Maydah," Dad said. I was sitting on the couch in front of the cable TV reading Black Beauty.

"Yes Dad?"

"Alex wants to see you."

"I hope Sorren didn't snitch on us." I groaned.

"You were sleeping in his class again?"

"Azalea was sleeping, I was imagining scenarios in my head." I said.

"You mean daydreaming." Dad stated.

"You could say that."

"Well, try not to make her mad, she's already as serious as serious can be." He joked.

"You were calling?" I popped my head into her room/office. 

"Yes, I was," She said.

"If Sorren said anything-" I began.

"Sorren has severe issues, forget about him." Alex interupted. I began to laugh but noticed Alex wasn't joking.. No surprise there.

"So, what's up?"

"You and Azalea are due in court, everything is ready, we need the witnesses now."

"You mean I'll be back from the dead?!" I grinned.

"Sort of." Alex nodded. "I have prepared what you are going to say, and you must rehearse it with Sorren."

"Why not Lakisha?" I complained.

"Because I need her help on the next part of the case." Alex said.

I groaned.

"You can rehearse with Andeon when he is free." Alex made an alternative.

"Ok," I said brightly.

She nodded and handed me a print out of what we were supposed to say..

"Good luck."

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