Chapter 35

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Hey guys!! Ok, first up, I'm sorry the update took so long!! I've been crazy with school and exams and homework and all that. Second, I would like you all to check out DontJudgeAnyone's stories, her ideas are very unique and action packed, she's gonna keep you hooked till the end! And third, I'm going to be sending in my entry for the short story competition on MuslimsUnite's page, so please check it out :D.. Ok, now I've said enough :p, enjoy the chapter :)

"Where in the hell would Zeke go now?" I asked dad frantically.

Dad shook his head, looking just as blank as me as I paced up and down the hotel room.

"You think the authorities have him?" I asked.

"I don't think so,"

Back home...

"Do you know where his birth father may be?" Azalea asked, trying to help Tamara.

"I have no idea."

"Do you know his name?"


"Well that's a start," Azalea said, "We can search him up on the internet."

"Good idea," Tamara nodded enthusiastically.

After an hour and a half, Azalea and Tamara had found some one under the same name as Zeke's birth father, Andeon Miljan, living in Belgrade, Serbia.

"Zeke travelled all the way to Serbia on his own?" Tamara asked astounded.

"Looks like it," Azalea confirmed.

"Well, I have to go. Right now!" Tamara stated.

"Good luck."

Mr Daniels Office.

"His birth dad is in Serbia," Azalea told Maydah, as Daniels sat in his office eavesdropping on their conversation through his call tracker.

"Serbia?!" Maydah asked startled.

"Yes, and his mother is going to Serbia too, to look for him." Azalea said.

"Wait, so Zeke went to look for his dad, and now his mom is going to look for him?" Maydah asked slightly confused.

"Yes, her flight is leaving this afternoon," Azalea confirmed.

Daniels shut off the call tracker device and picked up his own phone.

"Ground all the flights. Nobody is to leave."

Hours later, Tamara sat in the airport listening to announcements,

"Due to unfavourable weather conditions, all flights are grounded till further notice."

Tamara looked out of the airport windows, apart from a heavy breeze, there was absolutely nothing wrong with the weather. She wondered confused why they would unnecessarily ground the flights. However, she wasn't going to let this stop her from getting to her son, she was simply going to have to go to another airport. She picked up her luggage, got into a cab, and ordered to be taken to the next city.


I've tried to take my mind off things, I went outside to see the gold and eat my favourite desert called kunafah, but to be honest, I'm still worried. Dad said he would be safe, I mean what could happen to him right?

"It's good we left when we did," Dad said breaking the silence in the hotel room.

"What do you mean?" I asked dad.

"With us gone, they can't blame us for Zeke's disappearance." Dad explained briefly.

"Yeah," I agreed,

They would have definetely convinced the whole word that it was us who had been responsible for his disappearance and we would have been locked away and forgotten about forever, that was a good way of them to get rid of me. 

The sun was just beginning to set, the sky was turning from blue to purply orange and the roads outside became quieter as I heard the Maghrib Adhan (call for dusk prayer) amplifying from the mosque. The minaret touching the calm clouds while the millions of night stars managed to make themselves shown on the darkening sky. I stood at my hotel window watching the night enter in on the day, feeling the air getting cooler and my mood untensing. I let the breeze blow onto my face, I took a deep breath of the cool air and watched the sand particles blowing about in the distance. I watched the street lights switch on, setting the entire city ablaze. I watched the breeze blow, rustling the leaves of the trees. I watched the beach at the edge of the city slowly lighting up. 

I turned away from the window to see my dad looking at me.

"Welcome home Maydah."

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