Chapter 42 - Impossible is A Word Only in The Dictionary of Fools.

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"So all we have to do is get Zeke to tell his dad right?"

"It's more complicated than that dear..."

"How could it be more complicated?" I questioned.

"Well, you see, we already thought about this idea and contacted Andeon Miljan, Zeke's father.." 

"And?" I prodded on.

"He completely disagreed with the idea." Alex answered.

"Why?!" I exclaimed unable to think of any reasons to disagree myself.

"Well," Alex started, "He said it would be bad for his business if no evident proof of this scandal is found and would make him look bad seeing as he was in a previous relationship with Daniels wife and this would make people think he is somewhat jealous."

"He has a point." I conceded.

"Indeed he does, but that leaves us back where we started." Alex said.

"This is like a bad game of chess." I sighed.

"It is." Alex agreed. "Anyways, you'd better get going, your dad may start to worry."

"Ok," I nodded. Just as I was about to head out, I remembered something. "Alex?"


"Why didn't you come to my mother's funeral?" I asked.

"I couldn't risk the authorities connecting me with her.. No one from our group attended her funeral for the same reason."

Alhamdullilah (thank God) I reached home before my dad did, I was sure he would be worried sick if I wasn't home and hadn't called to say where I was. I quickly went to take a shower and change my clothes. I left my hair open to dry and turned the AC on high because summer was coming in and I was boiling. I than sat at my desk and switched on my laptop, it was rusty and at least six years old but it worked just fine, so I never bothered getting a new one. I checked my Facebook and found nothing new, just some friend requests from people I didn't know so I ignored them all, a few emails from my cousins in Lebanon which I hastily replied to. I then opened a new tab and checked my email, the first was from an unknown sender, I opened it and read :

'Congratulations Maydah Ahmad, your entry peice for the Artist Today competition has been accepted and you may now carry on to the next round.

Regulations are that you must draw something from your imagination, any still life or portrait drawings will be denied. You may not imitate a drawing of another artist and you may not use any writing in your piece.

Deadlines for submissions is one month from today.

Good luck!'

My heart was pounding from excitement! I couldn't believe my work got accepted!! Just than Dad came home and I went racing down the stairs to tell him my good news.

"Dad, I'm moving to the next round of the art competition!!" I exclaimed.

"I knew you would!" Dad smiled pulling me into a hug.

We had assembly first lesson the next day. I sat down next to Cailey in the hall and saw Azalea coming in with the rest of her grade. She grinned at me and I grinned back.

"How do you know that girl? She's like three grades younger than us," Cailey asked.

"We live close to each other," I lied, but we sort of did live close to each other.

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