Chapter 1 : Journal of a Teenage Muslim.

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A/N: Please note this book is a fictional story, everything that is written in here is entirely from my imagination.

I'm Maydah. I don't know what to write here. My dad bought me this empty book for my birthday, it looked fantastic, a dark brown hard cover with the word 'journal' written in big cursive gold handwriting and the pages tinted kind of yellow, I fell in love with it at first sight, but now I don't know what to write in it. My dad suggested I use it as a diary, but I hate diarys, they have too much feeling, so this is going to be my journal.

So a bit about me I guess. I'm fifteen years old, I have hair and two hands and two feet just like you! My skin is fair and soft and never gets tanned no matter what, my eyes are a honey/hazel brown colour and my hair is chocolatey brown with thick curly locks. My dad says I look quite a lot like my mom, but my mom was beautiful and was smiling in every single memory I have of her. She's not around any more. She died when I was very young.

Any ways, it's my birthday and I don't want to get into the sad topics, so let me tell you a bit about my dad, his skin is caramel brown, the perfect tan color! And his eyes are beatle black, just like his flawless straight hair. My dad and I are closer than close, after my mom died, we're all each other had. My dad's a bit of a joker, he works hard to make ends meet but he always makes sure he has time for me on the week ends.

I guess normally people would write about their friends next but I don't really have any friends, I'm kind of an outcast, no one wants to be caught hanging out with me because I'm not exactly your definetion of cool. I don't wear expensive clothes and I don't ask for them either, we can't afford it, I don't own any thing branded and my fashion is just jeans and a t-shirt. Another reason people don't want to be caught hanging out with me is because of my head gear which is called a hijab. People think I'm weird wearing, I guess they just don't understand, and I'm never able to explain because of my fear of being laughed at..

Tomorow is the first day of school and I'm entering my sophomore year. Back to the constant tauntings and lonely lunches.. Haylie is like the evil queen of our school, she reigns with an iron fist, no on can say anything against her and no one even tries, that includes me. She has every one under her hand, it's like we're pawns on her chess board. Oh and don't forget, every evil queen has to have their evil king, Spencer Vanchovi, her partner in evilness.

The only real friend I have is my dad. But that's ok, I don't need any one else. Any ways, I'd better get to bed, I need to be able to get up for school tomorow, my dad's going to drop me off to school before he goes to work, that's what he does every year on the first day, it's like for good luck. And from the look of it, I'm going to need lots and lots of luck.

Good night...

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