Chapter 22 - Unfolding Mysteries

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I had to tell some one. I had to tell some one about that letter. But who? My dad was in the hospital recovering thankfully, if I put any stress on him, his already long road to recovery would take even longer. Mazin was hiding something from me, so I was going to do exactly the same and not tell him about the letter. Aunty Aasiyah would probably be clueless about our encounters with Mr Hensus. So, Azalea  is the only one left on the list, and she's the perfect choice. She's my friend, my only friend, and you could tell friends any thing right? Well I'm going to find out.

"You mean she did exactly what your doing now?!" Azalea asked in shock after I'd explained her the long, long story.

I nodded as Azalea sat on the edge of her bed, my mom's letter clasped tightly in her hands.

"That's how she died, it was no incident,"

"These people are monsters, demons, they can't possible get away with it-"

"They are getting away with it Azalea," I stated. "They are and they will get away with it because they have power, they have the voice, and we don't and that's the truth."

"You don't really belive that do you?"

I shrugged. I didn't want to believe it, but the truth was the truth, I couldn't hide from it.

"My mom died in vain. She wanted to free them, but kids are back in that lab of theirs,"

"In her letter, she wrote 'they may be your neighbours with kids of their own'. That means she did free them, she accomplished her mission, they just.. Didn't learn their lesson the first time." Azalea said.

"I don't know," I said, taking the letter back from Azalea.

"What are you going to do?" She asked me.

"Don't know," I shrugged again.

I sat in the hospital next to my dad's bed, reading him Surah Yasin from the Quran. I paused at a verse, thinking back to my mom's letter.

"Is everything ok Maydah?" He asked, as if reading my mind.

I took a deep breath, I didn't want to tell him about anything, I didn't want to stress him out. But at the same time, he was the closest person on earth to me, and I told him everything.

"Why did you keep the clothes mom died in?" I asked slowly and softly.

Dad looked up to the ceiling, taking in big heavy breaths.

"It's ok dad, we can talk about it another time."

"No," He said, "You need to know now."

"I already know."

"Know what?"

"About the note she left for me in her jean pocket." I said.

"What note?" Dad asked.

"You mean you don't know?"

"Maydah, there was nothing in her pocket apart from a gum wrapper and several dollars," Dad clarified.

"You checked both her pockets?" I asked baffled.

"Yes, and there was no note what so ever."

"But dad, I checked it and it was there, addressed to me!" I exclaimed, sensing a heave of distress.

"Do you have it with you?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, it's right here," I took it out of my pocket and handed it to dad.

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