Chapter 43 - The Wonder Of It Is That There Are no Two Alike.

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Before I begin this chapter, I want thank LeahLove99 for making me the AMAZING picture on the side, thank you a billion times!! :D ♥♥♥

"You mean you have proof?!" I asked bewildered.

"I may know where to find it," Dad repeated.

"Where?" I inquired.

"With mom's stuff," Dad said already getting up and heading towards the basement with me at his heels.

He rummaged hurriedly but carefully through a box with her jewellery and took out a rectangle, old grey piece of metal, as he brought it into the light I realised it was a USB.

"Have you ever checked it before?" I asked.

"I can't." Dad said simply.


"It's locked.."

"You mean like a password? We can hack that easily Dad," I said.

"Not that type of password Maydah," Dad sighed, he turned the USB around so the the other side was facing up, there was a shiny, black square on it.

"Nicely decorated," I said, uncertain why Dad was showing me this.

"It's not decoration, kid, it's a thumb print scanner," 

"You can't be serious," I groaned.

"Unfortunately, I am,"

"But isn't there a way to open this? I've seen it in the mystery movies they open the thumb print locked doors by getting samples of the person's thumb prints?" I babbled.

"That is possible, but where will we find a sample of her thumb print?"

"Won't one of her stuff have it?" I asked

"They won't be clear enough," Dad shook his head.

"There must be a way." I muttered, trying to rack my brain to find some amazing idea, but unfortunately, nothing came to mind..

"Maybe you can take it to that Alex lady," Dad suggested, " Seing as they have people who work in the authorities, they must have access to high enough tech to hack the USB,"

"That's a good idea," I nodded, trying not to get over excited because I was so tired of the feeling of disappointment, besides, how would they fake my mother's thumb print? Let's not be pessimistic here Maydah.

"Oh, by they way, I invited David over for dinner this weekend, will you be busy?" Dad asked.

"You invited only him?" I asked hopefully.

"Come on, kid," Dad laughed, "All of them of course,"

"Wait.. You invited them home?"

"Yeah, I was thinking about cooking-"

"Why don't we go to a restaurant?" I interrupted, the thought of Spencer knowing where I lived was simply horrifying.

"You don't like my food?" Dad joked.

"No.. I just, you know.. It would be more fun right? Like less work and stuff.." I buzzed cluelessly.

"Why?" Dad asked, immediately catching on.

"You would be tired after work and stuff," I shrugged.

"On the weekends?" Dad asked suspicially.

"Well, you know.."

"No, not really, I don't know," Dad said, "What's bothering you Maydah?"

"Well, it's just, well.." I knew if I told Dad the truth about Spencer, than I would ruin his first real friendship. So I had to go on tell half the story mode. "David's son and I go to the same school and it would be really weird to have him over."

"If that's it you could have just said so, I'll book us at a restaurant," Dad said, but I could see he knew there was more. Luckily, he wasn't the type of person who pressed on,  he always let me tell him things when I was ready.

"-And I simply don't know where to find this Alex person.." I finished telling Azalea my whole life story, well, from yesterday.

"Maybe she'll randomly turn up like she did before," Azalea guessed.

"I hope she does,"

"To be honest, I've never heard of a USB that needs a thumb print to unlock it, whatever's inside that thing must be completely top secret," Azalea said.

"I just hope it's the right evidence to take Daniels down."

"I'm with you on that," Azalea agreed.

"I gotta go pray!" I said looking at my watch, "I'll see you later!"

I finished my prayers and read a bit of Quran, it had been a while since I'd last opened it, Astighfirullah, (forgiveness of God).. That was probebly the reason why everything seemed so impossible, it reminded me of a story my dad used to tell me when I was younger:

 Once a young man set out in a journey... Before leaving he went to see his father who gave him a bag and said - always keep this with you it will guide you and protect you and heal you. The son took the bag and set out on his journey. The journey was long, and soon it got dark, he could not see anything. Then he thought of what his dad told him - and that gave him confidence and he kept walking. Next morning he realized he had gone astray.. Then he saw a mountain, it had vegetation with thorns.. He had no other way than to climb the mountain, so he did.. at the back of his mind he knew what his dad had told him.. He will be protected. It was a tough climb and his hands and legs were badly wounded... He was in pain and  frustration.. There was no help for him. This again made him question what his dad told him- Well, you gotta move on, he thought... And kept moving Next He saw a cliff. There was a bridge to go across it . And a river flowing below it.. Seeing the river made him thirsty. He was in need of water.. Desperate for it, he decided to go down the cliff. It was a steep climb down.. He slipped and fell.. Into the river.. He was badly wounded .. He quenched his thirst and went across the river.. And then he climbed his way up.. It was a tough journey no doubt.. Soon he realized he had an infection in his hand .. It was bad and was spreading.. He had no medicines , nothing. So what did he do? He cut off his hand to save his life... Kept moving on.. He couldn't give up.. His passion drove him to his destination. His ambition to build his life .. Kept him on going. Finally he reached there.. The first thing he did - he went to his dad..

"You told me I will be guided , protected and I will be healed if I always keep this bag with me .. Look what happened to me!"

His father turned and said -" did you even open the bag and see what was in it ? " -

the son realized  ... That he had not.. Then he opened the bag - and he found a torch, a pair of gloves , and some antibiotics !!!!!

Allah sent us the Quran as the book of guidance , a book of protection and Healing. Yet we have kept it in a bag and have not looked inside it to seek the guidance, the protection and the healing.

I finished reading the Quran and than went downstairs.

"I need to find Alex," I thought aloud.

"You remember where she lived?" Dad asked. I jumped in surprise, I wasn't expecting him to be around.

"Not really.. Very vaguely.."

"Well, maybe if we just find the area she lives in, she might be able to find us," Dad suggested.

"Ok," I said hopefully.

"Come on, get in the car, we've got official business.."

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