Chapter 38 - New Neighbors.

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I'm so sorry for the long wait every one, but here's the chapter and summer started to I guess I'l be able to update more often! :D

Hope you enjoy!! Comment and vote :))


I was so lost in thought that I didn't realise footsteps behind me. I wasn't sure how long I heard them following me but than I didn't know if they were dangerous or not either. I turned around slowly to see who it was.

The man's face turned pale with shock as he stood there.

"Is something wrong?" I asked suspiciously.

"No, no," He said going back to normal, "It's just - you look so much like her.."

"Like who?"

"Jaidah Ahmad."

"How do you know her?" I questioned anxiously. 

"We worked together." He responded briefly. "Any who, I must get going, I'll be late." He carried on walking in the same direction. I too started to head home as it was beginning to get dark.

"Hey Scarf Head, Why don't you just plead guilty," Spencer called the next day in school, blocking my path.

"Why don't you just get out of my way you big, brainless lump." I said loud enough for him to hear.

"You'd better be sorry for saying that," He said vehemently.

"Yeah? Too bad I'm not, what are you going to do about it tough guy?" I provoked. 

I was tired of every one playing by his rules just because he was the biggest and baddest of them all, it was time some one did something about it and I was going to be that some one.

"What am I going to do about it?" He sneered, stepping dangerously close to me. "Oh your going to find out what I'm going to do about it,"

He grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back, I was so shocked by his response, I didn't even have time to back away before he could touch me. I felt a sear of pain running up my shoulder as he tightened his grip.

"You may want to think twice before you say something next time," He muttered into my ear, I could feel his forehead leaning on the side of my head. Disgusted by how close he was, I used all my strength into kicking his shin, he back away hopping on one leg while clutching the other.

"You may want to think twice before you come near me again."

I turned around and noticed every one staring at me, I could feel a blush coming up to my cheeks, but tried to fight it and headed straight to class.

 By lunch time the school was buzzing with rumours that the little scarf girl had brought Spencer Vanchovi to his knees.

"So is it true? You beat up Spencer?" Azalea askedcarrying her lunch tray.

"Well not exactly beat up," I admitted, "I was just defending myself."

"Wait a go," She grinned.

I grinned pathetically back at her.

"Azalea come sit with us," A bunch of girls waved at her, probably from her grade.

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