Chapter 54 - Guilt Go Away!

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MasoomLarki I finally made a long chapter!! Hope you like it   =D


Two days had already passed since the trial and there was no news from or about Zeke. He hadn't shown up at school, nobody mentioned him.. It was like he was forgotten in every one's mind except mine.

"Listen Maydah, you need to stop feeling bad about yourself and start thinking about the bigger picture." Azalea put out straight forward. "I mean come on! He probably would have done the same thing if you switched roles."

"How can you be so sure?" I asked miserably.

"Listen, think about it this way, if you hadn't turned him in, it would be your fault a potential criminal is on the loose." Azalea said.

I let out a long sigh.

"Does your dad know your obsessing over turning him in?" Azalea asked curiously.

"No, he would lecture me." I said bluntly.

"Talking about that, what's the deal with this Adrien guy?" I asked mischievously trying lighten the mood.

"Nothing," She said cooly.

"So why'd you give him your number?" I pressed.

"I gave him your number," She winked.

I gave her a sarcastic look.

"Well, we just wanted to get to know each other in a totally casual way." 

"Uh-huh," I grinned.

"You could say it was a stroke of luck.. I mean, if I wouldn't have accidentally given him your number, he would never have texted us and he could have died."

"Yeah.." It was amazing how God worked. I couldn't help but appreciate how I was brought to find out about all of this in such a complex manner that no human could have ever planned. And if people argued that it was simply a stroke of luck, I could easily argue back that luck didn't strike that many time, no matter how many lucky charms one might own.

"You know what you need to do?" Azalea said, noticing I had sunk back into thought.


"Get out of you head, go somewhere, get your mind off things.. How about Cailey? She was asking about you in school the other day.. Maybe hanging out with her will give you a more positive outlook or something." Azalea stated lifting me up.

Cailey had roughly explained me where her house was, but it wasn't too far from school and was easy to find.

I rang her doorbell, not sure if I should have texted before coming, it had completely slipped my mind. 

She opened the door.

"Oh Maydah hey!" She greeted, "I didn't see you in school and wanted to see if you were ok,"

"I'm fine, it was just a little mess up," I said

We went up to her room. To be honest it was a lot different that I expected it to be. It was painted a light orange, the walls were plain, not filled with posters of music artists  like most teenagers have. But it was a very large room. I just noticed their whole house was very big, her parents must be quite rich. The sunlight shone through the full length concave windows on onto her king sized bed which was overflowing with pillows and stuffed teddies. Her shiny red cover was pulled neatly over her bed and a net hanging over the bed was drawn back.  She had a two seater couch next to the window, a bathroom and a balcony!

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